Dear Neighbor, 

Last Thursday marked the official start to summer  I hope you have some time this season to explore our stunning state!  

As Senate Majority Leader, and as the proud senator of the 29th District, the bulk of my efforts this month have been squarely focused on passing an equitable, transformational state budget before June 30. We will highlight the results of those budget negotiations in our next e-news. 

As always, it is my honor to work for you, to deliver honest, diligent representation in Lansing on the issues that matter most.  


Winnie Brinks
Senate Majority Leader
29th District


In Recent News  

Recognizing the Second Anniversary of Roe v. Wade’s Overturning 

This week marked the second anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s unconscionable decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. My Democratic colleagues and I remain unwavering in our staunch commitment to safeguarding your fundamental reproductive rights here in Michigan. 

So far, we have: 

  • Passed Senate Bill 2 (Sen. Erika Geiss), which repealed an antiquated 1931 law that criminalized abortion care in the state of Michigan. 
  • Passed Senate Bill 147 (Sen. Erika Geiss), which amended the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) to prohibit employers from firing, demoting, or discriminating against employees for receiving abortion services. 
  • Enacting the Reproductive Health Act (Sens. Sarah Anthony, Erika Geiss, and Mary Cavanagh), which repealed medically unnecessary regulations and TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) laws that were specifically crafted to close and restrict abortion providers; ensures students at public universities have access to accurate information about all their reproductive health options; repealed the law that forced patients to buy a separate insurance rider for abortion; and much more. 
  • Eliminated unnecessary hurdles to surrogacy and assisted reproductive technology, including IVF, by passing House Bills 52075215, also known as the Michigan Family Protection Act. 

We will continue to fight for these critically important protections and make Michigan a place where reproductive freedom is upheld in a post-Roe world. 

Creating a Welcoming, Inclusive State for All During Pride Month 

When true inclusion and belonging are championed, everyone benefits. In addition to passing a resolution recognizing June as Pride Month, the Michigan Senate has passed expanded protections for LGBTQ+ Michiganders from discrimination, bills banning the harmful practice of “conversion therapy” for minors, and House Bill 4718, which aims to prohibit the use of “gay panic” and “trans panic” defenses in court. As stated by the American Bar Association, “LGBTQ+ panic” defenses are legal strategies that “seek to partially or completely excuse crimes such as murder and assault on the grounds that the victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity is to blame for the defendant’s violent reaction.”   

We’ll keep putting forth legislation that will further advance our shared mission of equity and inclusion. Learn more about the history of the LGBTQ+ community in Michigan and how protections we have put in place at the Capitol have lent Michigan to being ranked one of the most welcoming states for the LGBTQ+ community in the U.S. 

Building Safe Communities: Senate Democrats Recognize National Gun Violence Awareness Month 

To draw attention to the pressing issue of gun violence and advocate for life-saving policies, the Michigan Senate recently passed a resolution recognizing June as Gun Violence Awareness Month. Gun violence is a public health crisis that plagues communities across our state, leaving an irrevocable mark on mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, friends, and neighbors. Since 2012, we’ve seen the rate of gun deaths in Michigan increase by 25%, and firearms are now the leading cause of death for children and teens.   

After assuming the Majority, my colleagues and I delivered a slate of gun violence prevention legislation that Michigan residents have waited years for. This legislation closes dangerous loopholes to strengthen background checks, requires the secure storage of firearms, disarms individuals convicted of domestic violence, and allows for the temporary removal of firearms from people who pose a significant risk to themselves or others. Read more about these policies here.  

As we work to build safe communities for all Michiganders to enjoy, I remain committed to championing evidence-based solutions to this public health crisis.  

Michigan Senate Unanimously Passes “Melody’s Law” to Close Glaring Loophole in State Criminal Code 

Michigan Senate Democrats recently voted to close a glaring loophole in the state’s criminal code. The Senate acted in unanimous fashion to pass Senate Bills 841843, sponsored by Sen. Veronica Klinefelt (D-Eastpointe). Known collectively as “Melody’s Law,” these bills explicitly outlaw necrophilia. The legislation stems from the despicable 2021 murder of Michigan resident Melody Rohrer, who was also the victim of a heinous act of sexual assault after her murder. I’m proud that my constituent services director at the time, Emma White, was instrumental in helping Melody’s husband to make their tragic story known and lay the groundwork for this bill.  

The legislation ensures that those convicted of this horrific act are held accountable by amending the Michigan Penal Code, PA 328 of 1931, to make the act of necrophilia punishable by up to 15 years in prison and require perpetrators to register in the Michigan Public Sex Offender Registry (PSOR). 


Community Resources 

Get Help Completing Your FAFSA 

Preparing for college can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to sorting out finances. Join MiLEAP at an upcoming “FAFSA Fill-In Day” event to get one-on-one assistance from financial experts. Free computer and Wi-Fi access will be provided at their self-service stations, where they can help you submit the FAFSA form and see how you can access thousands of dollars in grants, scholarships, loans and work-student funds. They can also provide more information on the Michigan Achievement Scholarship (up to $27,500 in free money for college!).  

WHEN: Thursday, June 27, from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. 
WHERE: New Hope Baptist Church, 130 Delaware St. SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49507   

Note: Before you attend, you’ll need to create your FSA IDs as FSA IDs for all contributors (including student and parent) are needed before you can complete the FAFSA. It takes three-five days for FSA IDs to be activated.) 


Contact Us 
The Office of Senate Majority Leader Brinks values input from all Michiganders but prioritizes District 29 constituent concerns. If you have questions or concerns but are not a resident of District 29, contact your local State Senator. Click here to find who represents you in the Senate.  

Comment on Legislation: You can stay updated on legislative advancements through my biweekly e-newsletters or by clickinghere. Given the high volume of messages my office receives daily, please note that it may take time for your inquiry to receive a response.  

If You Need Help: If you have a problem dealing with any department of state government, such as accessing unemployment benefits, my office is available to help resolve it. While we usually cannot assist with local or federal issues, we will always do our best to help direct you to the appropriate person or organization for help.  

You may always feel free to call my office at (517) 373-1801 or email me at  


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