Senate Majority Leader Brinks, your dedicated liaison, is here to assist you in navigating your concerns with state agencies. By working closely with State of Michigan agencies, we are committed to answering your questions, connecting you with community resources, and helping resolve your issues.
Due to regulations placed on legislative offices, Senate Majority Leader Brinks’ office cannot assist with legal or federal matters.
If you need assistance from a state agency, please click on the links below, fill out the required form, and return it to our office.
- Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) | Download the waiver found at this link, fill it out with your insurance or financial issue, and sign it. Please email it to our office at senwbrinks@senate.michigan.gov, fax it at (517) 373-5801, or mail it to our office at Post Office Box 30036, Lansing, MI 48909-7536.
- Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) | Fill out the form regarding your unemployment insurance issue using this link.
- Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)| Download the waiver found at this link, fill it out with your MI Bridges, Medicaid, or other state healthcare issue, and sign it. Please email it to our office at senwbrinks@senate.michigan.gov, fax it at (517) 373-5801, or mail it to our office at Post Office Box 30036, Lansing, MI 48909-7536.
Other Community and State Resources
Domestic and Sexual Violence Resources
- Michigan Domestic Violence Hotline | (866) 864-2338 | If you or a loved one has experienced domestic violence, help is available for you. Michigan’s Domestic Violence Hotline – (866) 864-2338 – is a free and confidential resource for victims to call, text, or chat.
- Safe Haven Ministries | (616) 452-6664 | This organization provides emergency, short-term shelter for women and children fleeing domestic violence situations. Also provides case management, legal support, support groups, etc.
- YWCA West Central Michigan | (616) 459-4681 or (616) 454-9922 (24-hour confidential Helpline) | This organization assists women and children who experience intimate partner violence and sexual assault by providing confidential domestic violence shelter and a comprehensive support program.
Education and Student Aid Resources
- MI Department of Education Resources | (833) 633-5788 | See what Michigan is doing to help students impacted by COVID-19, engage families, uphold Title IX, and provide up-to-date education data for researchers.
- MI Student Aid | (888) 447-2687 | mistudentaid@michigan.gov | Learn more about FAFSA, the Michigan Achievement Scholarship, and MI Future Educator Programs while finding available webinars to help you navigate the student aid process.
- Paying for College in Michigan | (888) 447-2687 | mistudentaid@michigan.gov | Find out what resources Michigan provides residents to help pay for college, like scholarships, grants, work-study programs, and student loans.
Food, Shelter, and Housing Related Resources
- Community Food Club | (616) 288- 5550 | This non-profit grocery store allows low-income families to become members for between $11-$15 a month and shop for foods of all kinds based on a point system.
- Community Rebuilders | (616) 458-5102 | This organization provides housing and supportive services on a long-term basis for homeless persons with disabilities, chronically homeless individuals, veterans, families, and HIV/AIDS patients.
- Dégagé Ministries| (616) 454-1661 | Provides immediate needs such as food, hot showers, prescription co-pays, mailing address, storage for belongings, and overnight shelter for women. Additional services include laundromat and hair salon. Assists with navigating obstacles to housing, jobs, sobriety, and health.
- Dwelling Place | (616) 454-0928 | Connects people who are struggling with housing affordability with communities that will serve them and offer support for families who are disadvantaged.
- Fair Housing Center of Western Michigan | (616) 451-2980 | Works to prevent housing discrimination, remove barriers that allow it to persist and helps restore housing choice when discrimination happens
- Family Promise of West Michigan | (616) 475-5220 | Offers emergency housing, stabilizing services, and early childhood services to underserved families in West Michigan.
- Feeding America West Michigan | (616) 784-3250 |Find information on food pantries and meal programs, upcoming mobile food pantries, and Gather 2 Grow sites near you.
- Grand Rapids Housing Commission | (616) 235-2600 | Provides affordable housing programs that serve low-income households in Kent County
- The Green Apple Pantry | (616) 455-9411 | Provides a week’s worth of groceries once a month for residents of southeast Kent County residents living between US-131 and Patterson Avenue and 28th and 76th streets.
- LINC UP | (616) 451-9140 | Hosting events nearly every Tuesday and Thursday, LINC UP of Grand Rapids aims to connect people through “who you know, what you know, where you live, and what you make” to form a more interconnected community.
- Kent County Salvation Army | (616) 459-9468 | Find information for the Kent County Emergency Food Assistance Program, Energy Assistance, and Housing Services and Assessment Program.
- Mel Trotter Ministries of Grand Rapids | (616) 454-8249 | Aims to fight homelessness and hunger throughout the state offering shelter services along with imploring prevention tactics and connecting individuals to employment opportunities.
- Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) | MEAP aims to establish and administer programs statewide that provide energy assistance and self-sufficiency services to eligible low-income households. Click the link above to find out more and apply.
- The Wellhouse | (616) 241-4498 | They can provide permanent, shared, low-cost housing for people experiencing homelessness.
- Wyoming Housing Commission | (616) 534-5471 | Provides affordable housing programs that serve low-income households throughout the City of Wyoming.
General Assistance
- Kent County Community Action | (616) 632-7950 | This organization can provide resources ranging from housing repair services to energy saving programs
- United Way of Kent County | Phone: 2-1-1 |Can help locate shelter, food, healthcare, and transportation services through their database.
Healthcare, Dental, and Emergency Resources
- 9-8-8 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline | 9-8-8 | 9-8-8 Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/ | 9-8-8 provides 24/7, free, and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the US.
- Access Kent | This website lays out committees, programs, and strategies dedicated to emergency planning and resources offering information and support in times of need.
- American Red Cross | Located in Southeast Grand Rapids, American Red Cross offers assistance for natural disasters, blood drives, skills courses, and aid for military families and veterans.
- Free Clinic and Health Centers Directory | Locate free/low-cost clinics in Kent County by typing in your zip code
- Grand Rapids Community College | GRCC has multiple partner programs that offer assistance for emergency housing and shelter in the Grand Rapids area. This link has multiple resources beyond housing available along the right side of the page at no cost to the user.
- Health Net of West Michigan | Offers transportation services to healthcare providers through Medicaid plans including Blue Cross, McLaren, Meridian, and more.
- Michigan Dental Association | Find free or reduced fee dental programs by selecting your county or entering your zip code.
Legal Resources
- Legal Aid of Western Michigan | (616) 774-0672 | This is a nonprofit law firm that provides legal services to seniors and people living in or near poverty
- Michigan Legal Self-Help Tools | This is a website that provides free legal resources to those in need. Feel free to explore this website for resources.
- State Bar Legal Referral| (800) 968-0738 | For a $25 administrative fee, the Michigan State Bar will help you find a lawyer who deals with the issue you need assistance with.
Resources for Seniors
- Area Agency on Aging of West Michigan | (616) 456-5664 or (888) 456-5664 |A non-profit organization dedicated to providing older Michiganders with direct home care, adult day care, transportation assistance, senior advocacy, legal help, information for grandparents raising their grandchildren, chore help, and Medicare/Medicaid guidance.
- Care Resources – PACE | (616) 913-2006 or (800) 610-6299 | PACE uses Medicare, Medicaid, and private funds to cover all of your medically necessary care, allowing you to stay in your home while leading a healthy life.
Transport Assistance
- The Hope Network | (616) 243-0876 | Provides transportation services to a wide variety of individuals for employment, programs through insurance, and medical appointments.
- Kent County Community Action Way 2 Go! |(616) 632-7965| Provides transportation services to older adults and individuals with disabilities in Kent County for a variety of purposes including appointments, employment, shopping and other recreational activities
- Kent County DHHS Non-Emergency Medical Transportation | (616) 248-1941 | For some Medicaid eligible individuals to provide transportation to and from doctor’s appointments.
- Kent County Senior Millage Ridelink | (844) 694-6589 | Provides transportation services to older adults throughout Kent County
- The Rapid | (616) 776-1100 | The Rapid is known throughout West Michigan for being fast, reliable, and easy to use for its communities. The homepage features updates for bus alerts and detours, allows one to map out their trip, and learn to use rider tools for easy commuting.
- Wheels to Work | (616) 243-0876 |Provides transportation to work from neighborhood-based hubs for a small cost that is shared between an employee and their employer.
State of Michigan Legislative Resources and Elected Officials
- Michigan Legislature | The Michigan Legislature site allows you to research any Public Acts or legislation that has been introduced in the Michigan Legislature.
- Michigan Senate | (517) 373-2400 | The Michigan Senate page will allow you to find your State Senator, watch Senate sessions, see current job openings, and learn about legislative committees. House of Representatives
- Michigan House of Representatives | (517) 373-0135 | Email: Clerk@house.mi.gov | The Michigan House page allows you to find your State Representative, watch House sessions, see current job openings, and learn about legislative committees.
- Governor Gretchen Whitmer | (517) 335-7858 | Learn about Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s recent activities or contact her about an issue that matters to you.
- Find Your US Representative | Link that will allow you to contact your Member of Congress. These elected members serve at the federal level in the US House of Representatives.
- Contacting US Senators | Here is a Link to contact your US Senator. Senators are elected members who serve at the federal level in the US Senate.
Veterans Resources
- Kent County Veterans Services| (616) 632-5722 | A service designed to assist Kent County Veterans (and their families) with burial allowances, dependency, compensation for service-related death, financial hardship services, support services, and funeral expense assistance and educational benefits.
- Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs | 800-642-4838 | dmva-tag@michigan.gov | Find Veteran-related resources for education, health, welfare, employment, and other resources.
- Veterans Crisis Line | Phone: 9-8-8 Ext. 1 | Text: 838-255 | Description: 24/7 call-line for Veterans, service members, National Guard and Reserve members, and those who support them. You do not have to be enrolled in the VA to use this service.