Dear Friends and Neighbors,Happy Veterans Day! As I bring you another edition of our e-newsletters, I want to take a moment to acknowledge and honor those who have fought fearlessly and laid down their lives for this beautiful country we all call home.Due to Veterans Day, my office will be closed on Friday, November 10, 2023. With that in mind, I will continue to do my best to ensure that all District 27 concerns are heard and addressed promptly. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at 517-373-0142 (Lansing office), 810-233-9788 (District office) or SenJCherry@senate.michigan.gov with questions or concerns.Working for you,

John Cherry State Senator District 27
Featured in this newsletter:
- Community Updates
- Legislative Updates
- Upcoming Events
- Helpful Resources
Community Updates
YMCA of Greater Flint’s New Executive Director

On Friday, November 3, 2023, our District Director, Qiana Towns-Williams, met with John Rice III, the new Executive Director of the YMCA of Greater Flint, during his Executive Town Hall. Mr. Rice has shared with my office that he already feels welcome thanks to the love and support our community has demonstrated. Please join me in welcoming Mr. Rice to the YMCA of Greater Flint, and I can’t wait to see what positive changes will be made there.
Legislative UpdatesHouse Bill 4292 and Senate Bill 174 — that makes significant investments in our students, educators and schools. Included in the legislation is a $42.5 million investment for higher education here in Genesee County. These vital investments in education will help our kids achieve bright futures and serve as a catalyst for economic growth in our region. $42.5 Million Investment Secured for Higher Education in Genesee County On November 2, the Senate passed a supplemental budget —
Expanding University of Michigan-Flint’s Innovation and Technology Complex The supplemental budget secures $30 million for the University of Michigan-Flint to expand their Innovation and Technology Complex — adding approximately 50,000 square feet of academic space to the campus. This new space will feature state-of-the-art instructional laboratories and research spaces that are critical for providing students outstanding career opportunities in high-demand fields such as cybersecurity, clean energy and sustainability, advanced manufacturing and more. Renovating Prahl College Center at C.S. Mott Community College Also included in the budget is $12.5 million for C.S. Mott Community College to make much-needed renovations to the Prahl College Center (PCC), which was first opened in 1971. Currently, the PPC serves as the edifice which houses most of the college’s major non-academic student services. The newly secured funding will allow the college to renovate and repurpose the building’s interior spaces — creating a new Technology and Cyber Hub as well as artificial intelligence and virtual reality lab spaces. Ultimately, these two investments will generate significant positive impact for our community and help secure Genesee County’s place in Michigan’s technology-driven future.
Expanding Opportunities for Clean, Renewable Energy

As we continue to see climate change bring an increasing amount of severe weather events and extreme temperatures to Michigan, the State Senate took a significant step toward tackling the issue and creating a healthier, more sustainable environment with the passage of the Clean Energy Future plan — Senate Bills 271, 273, 277, 502, and 519. This legislation will set long-awaited clean and renewable energy standards, increasing energy efficiency targets, expanding the role of the Michigan Public Service Commission and creating a new Community and Worker Economic Transition Office.These bills make significant and historic progress toward a sustainable future for Michigan and lay a solid foundation for continued work to improve Michigan’s energy industry and protect our air, land and water. Read more here.Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars for Monday, November 13, 2023, and Tuesday, November 28, 2023!
I invite you to join me for a good coffee and conversation. These talks are opportunities for you and me to discuss and dive into what matters in our district. Also, I will use both engagements to update the community on what is happening in Lansing. No need to be shy — let’s work together to move District 27 in the brightest direction! WHEN: Monday, November 13, 2023, from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. WHERE: Pierson Road Family YMCA, 5219 W Pierson Rd, Flushing, MI 48433
WHEN: Tuesday, November 28, 2023, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. WHERE: Brennan Senior Center, 1301 Pingree Ave, Flint, MI 48503
Helpful Resources
Celebrating Native American Heritage Month

U.S. President George H. W. Bush declared the month of November Native American Heritage Month on August 3, 1990. Since then, Native American Heritage Month has been observed across the country each November to celebrate and commemorate Indigenous people and their rich histories.Native American cultures, traditions, and ways of life truly enrich our communities. It is important the contributions of Native American people and their ancestors are acknowledged and honored, especially within the state of Michigan. Celebrating Veterans Day

Observed annually on November 11, Veterans Day is a federal holiday that honors military veterans of the United States Armed Forces. The origin of Veterans Day began with Armistice Day, which marked the end of World War I on November 11, 1918. In 1954, Armistice Day was rechristened as Veterans Day. Throughout history, veterans have made tremendous contributions to our country and state. Our Michigan Legislature worked to secure investments for the veteran community — including $1.2 million for suicide prevention programs to help military veterans and their families — in the Fiscal Year 2024 budget which took effect on October 1. Here are some resources that may be helpful to the veteran community:
- The WhyMI app is specially designed for veterans and service members transitioning out of the military to help plan the next phase of life – with updated job boards, healthcare benefit applications, and access to educational opportunities. To download the WhyMI app, visit the App Store or Google Play.
- Find VA Michigan Vet Center, Outpatient Clinic, and Medical Center locations here.
- For the 24/7 Veterans Crisis Line Confidential, dial 988 then press 1 or text 838255 or click here.
For additional resources, click here. Health Insurance Marketplace Enrollment Period Opens Open enrollment for 2024 health insurance runs from November 1, 2023, through January 15, 2024. Consumers must select a plan no later than December 15, 2023, for coverage to start on January 1, 2024. Shop for a health plan by visiting the Health Insurance Marketplace or calling 800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325). During open enrollment for 2024 coverage, consumers will be able to choose from 169 health plans on the Marketplace. For the overall individual market, which includes off-marketplace plans, 228 plans will be available. For questions about health coverage, visit Michigan.gov/HealthInsurance or call DIFS 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 877-999-6442.