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Dear Neighbor,  

Last week, the Senate successfully finished negotiations with the House on the 2025 State Budget. My Democratic colleagues and I have diligently worked to design a budget that builds up our vibrant communities and supports our residents. Now, the budget is on its way to the governor’s desk to be signed into law. Find more information below on how our budget will build up Michigan.   

This week is just as exciting with the commemoration of the Fourth of July! I hope you enjoyed a fun and safe holiday filled with friends and family! Remember, given the recent extreme heat, it’s important to always stay hydrated and wear sunscreen to protect yourself from heat exposure and sunburn. Additionally, in high-heat conditions, the risk of fire increases. Be sure to keep any firework shells or boxes outside overnight before disposing of them and consider hosing them down to prevent accidental fires. 

If you or someone you know would like to provide feedback about what’s happening in Lansing or needs assistance, feel free to contact my office. You can contact me by sending an email to or calling 517-373-7800.   


Senator Geiss Signature

Erika Geiss
State Senator
District 1


Happy Fourth of July from the Senate Democratic Majority 

Senator Geiss Black Maternal Health Graphic

The Fourth of July celebrates the signing of our Declaration of Independence and the beginning of our great American experiment. The United States was founded on the belief that our nation should be a democracy where individual voices are not only heard but represented and respected in government and where every citizen can live freely and confidently. 

My Democratic colleagues and I are celebrating this Fourth of July while continuing to uphold America’s democratic foundations and principles. From expanding civil rights protections for the LGBTQ+ community and natural hairstyles to implementing commonsense gun laws, expanding access to the ballot box, and enshrining basic healthcare rights, such as abortion, in the state constitution, Senate Democrats are committed to the pursuit of a more just, equitable, and democratic state and nation.  


Senate Democrats Pass State Budget Dedicated to Building Up Michigan

Maternal Health Package Graphic

Last year marked a significant milestone for Michigan Democrats as we capitalized on their first trifecta in 40 years to spearhead a transformative budget — directing vital resources into historically neglected sectors like infrastructure, education, and local communities.  

Last week, Senate Democrats successfully finished negotiations with the House on the state budget. The Fiscal Year 2025 State Budget builds on last year’s transformative budget by continuing to invest in children and families, students and workers, public safety, community development, and more.  

This Democratic majority views the state budget as both a values statement and a financial plan. Our cornerstones for the 2025 budget — transformational, innovative, equitable, and intentional — reflect the priorities established last year. Read more here. 


Stay Safe This Holiday Weekend 

Extreme Heat Safety Reminders 

When it is very hot, there is an increased risk of heat-related illness including heat exhaustion and heat stroke. If not treated, heat exhaustion can worsen and cause heat stroke or death.  

Humidity can make temperatures feel even hotter. High temperatures plus high humidity are more dangerous because these conditions make it harder for the body to sweat and cool itself down. In addition to the daily temperature, residents should pay attention to the daily heat index, which gives a more accurate picture of how hot it feels outside.    

To stay healthy when it is hot, residents are encouraged to:  

  • Drink more fluids and avoid liquids with large amounts of sugar or alcohol.  
  • Limit outdoor activities to when it is coolest in the morning and evening.  
  • Spend time indoors in air conditioning. 
  • Check to make sure your air conditioner filters are clean, and the unit is working properly. 
  • Wear lightweight, light-colored and loose-fitting clothing.  
  • Wear sunscreen, as sunburn affects a body’s ability to cool down.  
  • Check on neighbors and relatives to determine if they need assistance.  
  • Never leave children or pets unattended in cars, even with the windows cracked. 
Michigan Voting Rights Act Graphic
Michigan Voting Rights Act Graphic

Cooling Centers 

There are multiple cooling centers available throughout our district. Find the one closest to you by visiting the Wayne County website here: Warming & Cooling Centers | Homeland Security & Emergency Management  


Firework Safety 

If you are celebrating this holiday weekend with fireworks, here are some important safety tips to remember: 

  • Always read and follow the instructions on the firework packaging. 
  • Only adults should handle fireworks; kids should never play with them. 
  • Keep a bucket of water or a hose nearby in case of emergencies. 
  • Light fireworks in an open area away from buildings, vehicles, and dry grass. 
  • Never try to relight a “dud” firework; wait 20 minutes and then soak it in water. 
  • Stay safe and enjoy the celebrations! 
  • Wear safety glasses when necessary. 
  • Light only one firework at a time and move away quickly after lighting it. 
  • Never point or throw fireworks at people, animals, or buildings. 
  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from heat sources. 
  • Dispose of used fireworks by soaking them in water before throwing them away. 
  • Remember, safety first when enjoying fireworks! 

Tips to Help Protect Your Animals in the Heat 

As we experienced during last week’s heat wave, summer can be an especially dangerous time for not only our families and communities, but also our pets and animals. The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) has coordinated helpful tips to help keep your pets safe and cool over the warm summer months:  

Provide unlimited, cool, clean, fresh water: 

  • Just like people, animals can quickly become parched in hot temperatures. No matter the species, animals should always have access to unlimited cool, clean, fresh water to prevent dehydration. If you bring your pet in public, be sure to bring along hydration options and avoid using communal water bowls. 

Know your animal’s limits and ability to tolerate heat: 

  • An animal’s age, breed, type of coat, and health history — among other factors — can all play a role in their ability to tolerate heat. Keep an eye out for signs of heat stress, including increased panting or drooling and being more lethargic. If they are displaying any signs of heat stress, immediately move your animal to a cooler area. 

Test surfaces to ensure they won’t burn paws: 

  • Surfaces like asphalt, concrete, and sand can really heat up in the sun, which can burn paws or make a walk extremely uncomfortable for your pets. To test if a surface is too hot, touch it with the palm of your hand. If the surface is too hot for you, it means that it’s too hot for your pet as well. Consider taking a different route that is mostly grass or waiting until the evening when everything has had a chance to cool down. 

Avoid harmful algal blooms (HABs) in bodies of water: 

  • HABs form due to a rapid growth of cyanobacteria, also called blue-green algae, which are naturally found in lakes, rivers, and ponds. To prevent illness in your pets, keep them out of areas with scum or discolored water, rinse them off after contact with any lake water, and bring clean, fresh water for them to drink. 
  • If your animal becomes sick after contact with a suspected HAB, please call your veterinarian immediately. 
  • Animal illnesses due to HABs are also reportable to MDARD. To report cases, submit a Reportable Disease Form or call 800-292-3939. In addition, to report any suspicious looking algae, please email 

Do not leave animals in parked vehicles: 

  • Even when temperatures outside feel more moderate, vehicles often heat up very quickly, creating unsafe conditions for animals left inside. Leaving windows cracked open and/or parking in the shade does little to improve the situation. In these conditions, it is best to leave pets at home when you need to go out and about. 

Ensure animals have a place to cool down: 

  • Animals know when they are too hot and will usually try to seek out a place where they can safely cool down. Make sure your pets have access to shades, fans, misters, pools, cooling mats, and/or air-conditioned spaces to help them stay comfortable and healthy.