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Dear Neighbor,    

I hope you and your loved ones are enjoying the summer sun and taking the necessary precautions to stay cool and healthy amid the high temperatures. As we recognize July as National Lakes Appreciation Month, it’s a perfect excuse to get out and enjoy one of Michigan’s many freshwater lakes.  

In this newsletter, I want to take a moment to catch you up on the many things our team has been working on both in Lansing and District 1. With the summer finally here, we have more time to be out in the community, connecting with residents, and listening to their thoughts and ideas for how we can move our state forward.     

If you or someone you know would like to provide feedback about what’s happening in Lansing or needs assistance, feel free to contact my office. You can contact me by sending an email to or calling 517-373-7800. 


Senator Geiss Signature

Erika Geiss
State Senator
District 1


In This Edition: 

  • In Recent News 
    • Celebrating Michigan’s Many, Many Lakes During National Lakes Appreciation Month! 
    • Michigan Top in the Nation for Clean Energy Investments, Automotive Prowess 
    • Protecting the Great Lakes from Invasive Species 
    • Legislative Updates 
      • Creating an Environment Where Workers and Businesses Can Thrive 
      • Michigan Senate Passes Legislative Package to Establish a State-Based Health Insurance Exchange 
      • Senate Passes Legislation to Expand Freedom of Information Act to Include Governor, Legislature  
      • Resources 
        • Free Summer Meals for Students 
        • Tips for Staying Healthy in Extreme Heat 
        • AG Nessel Issues Consumer Alert on Alternative Gas Suppliers  
        • Community Update 
          • Telegraph Cruise 

        In Recent News  

        Celebrating Michigan’s Many, Many Lakes During National Lakes Appreciation Month! 

        Senator Geiss Black Maternal Health Graphic

        Here in Michigan, we take pride in being known as the Great Lakes State. Our five Great Lakes are the source of 20% of Earth’s total fresh water. In addition to these, Michigan is also home to more than 11,000 inland lakes (You can find one near you using this interactive map). 

        Our lakes and various waterways are integral to the health of our families and our economy. The Great Lakes system is invaluable as the source of drinking water for more than 40 million people in the U.S. and Canada, and the Great Lakes shipping industry generates more than $36 billion in economic activity and supports more than 664,000 jobs. Our lakes also provide families with unmatched recreational opportunities. 

        Since taking office, my colleagues and I have: 

        • Secured over $105 million in the 2025 State Budget for statewide water infrastructure projects, building on the progress made in the previous year’s budget. Funding will go towards replacing lead service lines, rebuilding sewers and more. 
        • Championed the historic Clean Energy Future package, which sets clean energy standards, promotes energy efficiency, and creates the Office of Community and Worker Economic Transition. 
        • Passed legislation to require environmental protection and cleanup standards ensuring bad actors pay to clean up their pollution, rather than having taxpayers foot the bill. 
        • Repealed a harmful law that restricted Michigan officials from implementing environmental and public health safeguards beyond federal standards, empowering Michigan to protect its natural resources and environment more effectively. 

        During National Lakes Appreciation Month, Michigan Senate Democrats remain committed to building on this work and advancing legislation to strengthen environmental protections, so future generations of Michiganders can enjoy our state’s lakes for years to come. 


        Michigan Top in the Nation for Clean Energy Investments, Automotive Prowess 

        Business Facilities’ 20th Annual Rankings Report — which identifies leading locations for industries and helps inform site selectors’ decisions — has once again named Michigan as best-in-nation for the automotive industry, while also giving the state top spots in life sciences, semiconductors, EV investments, customized workforce training, and more.  

        Michigan was also recognized as a top ten state in the semiconductor industry thanks to investments from various companies and initiatives to develop talent for the industry, such as through the Michigan Semiconductor Talent and Technology for Automotive Research (MSTAR), a public-private initiative to make the state a world leader in automotive semiconductor technology and talent.   

        Michigan also earned top 10 status for customized workforce training from Business Facilities, building upon another accolade for Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s Talent Action Team, who recently received global recognition as No. 4 most innovative business service in the world, according to rankings by Fast Company.   

        In addition to the Business Facilities rankings, Climate Power has once again named Michigan No. 1 for clean energy investments from the Inflation Reduction Act. This is the second year in a row that Michigan has been named to the top spot.   

        The Climate Power report indicates Michigan won 58 projects, securing nearly $25.4 billion in investments and 21,490 jobs, besting Texas, Georgia, California, and South Carolina as the top five states where projects are locating.   


        Protecting the Great Lakes from Invasive Species 

        Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently announced that Michigan signed an agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Illinois to cosponsor the construction of the Brandon Road Interbasin Project. This milestone agreement with the Biden Administration unlocks $274 million in federal and $114 million in state funding for the first of three phases of the $1.15 billion project that will prevent invasive carp and aquatic nuisance species from entering the Great Lakes. 

        Brandon Road Lock and Dam near Joliet, Illinois, is a critical point to stop invasive carp from moving into the Great Lakes. The Brandon Road Interbasin Project will implement a complex series of invasive carp and aquatic nuisance species deterrents. 


         Legislative Updates 

         Creating an Environment Where Workers and Businesses Can Thrive 

        Recently, CNBC ranked Michigan as No. 9 on their list of America’s Top States for Business in 2024 list. This marks the third time since the list was launched that Michigan has cracked the top 10. This announcement comes after Michigan’s unemployment rate fell below the national average, remaining at 3.9% for the fourth consecutive month in May. With all this news, the message to workers and businesses is clear: whether you’re looking for a good-paying job or a place to start a successful small business, Michigan is a state where you can thrive.  

        Since taking office, our Majority for the People has championed legislation to make this reality possible. Here’s just a few of our legislative highlights: 

        • Expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), benefiting 750,000 Michigan workers and boosting local purchasing power to add an additional $553 million to our economy; 
        • Rolled back the unfair and unpopular retirement tax, putting an average of $1,000 back in the pockets of 500,000 seniors; 
        • Created a process for small businesses to claim a personal property tax exemption for a property with a true cash value between $80,000-$180,000, helping alleviate the financial strains small business owners may face; 
        • Expanded the Transformational Brownfield Plan program and made housing development projects eligible to receive tax increment financing (TIF) when transforming obsolete and vacant properties, helping to increase access to affordable housing; and 
        • Provided additional flexibility to businesses to establish Business Improvement Zones, increasing the tools that business owners have at their disposal to build more vibrant, cohesive community centers.  

        Additionally, in our 2025 State Budget, we secured the resources necessary to build up workers and small businesses throughout our state, including funding to: 

        • Continue Michigan Reconnect, providing a tuition-free pathway to adult learners 25 and older. 
        • Expand access to free community college for all students in every part of the state with the Community College Guarantee. Beginning Fall 2024, students from the Class of 2023 and beyond are eligible for this funding. 
        • Support Michigan’s current and future workforce needs and population growth, including specialized economic assistance to businesses locating or expanding in Michigan to meet their talent and workforce needs. 
        • Uplift Minority Owned Businesses. 
        • Establish an Innovation Fund to invest in scalable startups and help launch hundreds of new Michigan-based companies, creating thousands of jobs. 

        Read more about our Building Up Michigan Budget here 


        Michigan Senate Passes Legislative Package to Establish a State-Based Health Insurance Exchange 

        Michigan Senate passed Senate Bills 633638 to transition Michigan away from the federally managed health insurance marketplace to a State-Based Exchange (SBE), helping to provide the state with greater flexibility to meet the healthcare needs of Michiganders.  

        In the past decade, the Affordable Care Act has grown in popularity across the country and here in Michigan. During the 2024 open enrollment period, for example, 418,000 Michiganders purchased coverage through the federal marketplace, which was a 30% increase from the previous year and the highest enrollment rate in the state’s history.   

        This six-bill package amends Michigan’s insurance code to establish an SBE and lays out the parameters and duties of the exchange and governing board. As a result, the state would provide the infrastructure, website and support for individuals and small businesses to purchase plans beginning January 1, 2026.  

        This legislation now heads to the Michigan House for their consideration.  


        Senate Passes Legislation to Expand Freedom of Information Act to Include Governor, Legislature  

        The Senate took a historic vote in support of bipartisan legislation to expand the application of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the Michigan Legislature and the governor’s office, a significant step forward to increase transparency within state government. Senate Bills 669 and 670 each passed with a 36-2 vote.   

        Enacted in 1976, Michigan’s FOIA law is one of the few in the nation that exempts state lawmakers and the governor’s office from records requests. This significant gap in the law contributed to Michigan receiving an F in government integrity from the national Center for Public Integrity’s 2015 report, where the state ranked last overall, failing in 10 out of 13 categories, including public access to information, executive accountability, and legislative accountability.  

        The bills now move to the House.  



        Free Summer Meals for Students 


        Maternal Health Package Graphic

        It can be a challenge for families to keep food on the table while school is out for the summer. One in six kids in Michigan face food insecurity, and more than 850,000 Michigan children rely on free public school lunches. That’s why organizations and local school districts are working with Meet Up and Eat Up and providing those ages 18 and under with delicious, nutritious meals.  

        All summer long, children 18 and under can eat healthy, satisfying meals in their own communities at no cost. No application forms required, no registration needed, and no proof of residency asked for — just show up and enjoy a meal! All meals must be eaten at the site. Visit the interactive map for locations near you. You can also text “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 304-304 to find free meals in your neighborhood. 


        Tips for Staying Healthy in Extreme Heat 

        Summer weather means getting outside and having fun or working in the yard, but too much heat can make you sick. Your body normally cools itself as your sweat evaporates, but during extremely hot weather, when the humidity is high, sweat can’t evaporate very well. These conditions can cause the temperature of your body to become dangerously high and can lead to severe illness or even death.    

        Heat related illness is preventable, so it’s important to understand what you can do to keep yourself healthy when temperatures are extremely high.  

        • Keep cool indoors. Use an air conditioner or go to a cool place such as the basement, a neighbor’s house, shopping mall or cooling center. Even a few hours in the air conditioning will help you stay cool when you go back into the heat. Electric fans provide comfort, but they will not keep you cool when the temperature is in the high 90s.  
        • Take a cool shower or bath.  
        • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated — don’t just wait until you are thirsty. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and sugary drinks such as pop. These beverages may actually dehydrate you even more.  
        • Avoid exercise and physical activity during the hottest time of the day. Mornings and evenings are usually cooler than midday. If you must exercise, drink 2-4two to four glasses of cool, non-alcoholic beverages every hour. 
        • Stay out of the sun. Wear sun protective clothing like a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses and apply a broad-spectrum (UVA and UVB protectant) sunscreen SPF 15 or higher 30 minutes prior to going outside to protect yourself against sunburn. 
        • Check on family, friends, and neighbors at least once a day during times of extreme heat. Help them get to a cool place if necessary.  
        • Never leave children, the elderly, or pets in parked cars. Cars heat up very quickly and can become dangerously hot, even with the windows open. 

        For more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website on extreme heat prevention here. 


        AG Nessel Issues Consumer Alert on Alternative Gas Suppliers  

        Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is issuing a Consumer Alert regarding Alternative Gas Suppliers (AGSs) following numerous complaints about deceptive practices. Since the beginning of 2024, over 125 complaints have been filed with the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) concerning AGSs.    

        AGSs are third-party companies authorized to sell natural gas to residents in the Consumers Energy, DTE, SEMCO, or Michigan Gas Utilities service territories. While these suppliers can offer competitive rates, AGS rates are not regulated by the MPSC, unlike rates from local utility companies.    

        All AGSs must be licensed by the MPSC. If a consumer encounters a company that is not licensed, the Attorney General advises them not to engage in their services and to file a complaint with the MPSC.    

        Consumers interested in AGS services should:   

        • Ask AGS representatives to include details on how savings are calculated, the contract length, the per unit rate, and any associated fees;    
        • Understand the duration of any promotional pricing, the process, and fees for switching AGSs or returning to the local utility, and contract terms after promotional periods expire;     
        • Be aware of any cancellation fees and how the process works; and    
        • Check eligibility for budget plan customers and those with past due balances.    

        If a consumer believes an AGS has engaged in a misleading or deceptive promotion leading them to sign a contract, the Attorney General encourages them to file a complaint with the MPSC online or by calling 1-800-292-9555.    

        Consumers considering an AGS can learn more at the MPSC’s Natural Gas Customer Choice webpage, which includes information on licensed suppliers in each utility’s service territory. The Attorney General also encourages consumers to visit the MPSC’s Compare MI Gas website, which has answers to frequently asked questions about gas customer choice.  



        Community Update

        Telegraph Cruise 

        Michigan Voting Rights Act Graphic

        Saturday July 27th from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm!  

        Hot rodders, classic cars, vintage, modern muscle, tuners, exotics, and tricked-out car enthusiasts and spectators from throughout Southeast Michigan converge on Telegraph Road between Eureka Road and Puritan Road. The annual cruise takes place on the fourth Saturday of July each year. Many cars and crowds will also gather the evening before for an unofficial kickoff.  

        Official event hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., spanning the communities of Taylor, Dearborn Heights, and Redford Township. 

        Please be considerate and clean up after yourself. Please encourage those with you to do the same. Let’s be courteous to those that live along the cruise route.