“As our community’s representatives in Washington and Lansing, we believe it is our responsibility to speak out when our constituents’ ability to access affordable, quality care might be in jeopardy.”

ROYAL OAK, Mich. — Congressman Andy Levin (D-Bloomfield Twp.), who represents Royal Oak, State Senator Mallory McMorrow (D-Royal Oak), and State Representative Jim Ellison (D-Royal Oak) today released a statement on Beaumont and Advocate Aurora Health’s decision to end partnership discussions:

“We commend Beaumont for acting in the best interest of its patients and employees and ending merger discussions with Advocate Aurora Health. Evidence suggests that the proposed merger of these health systems might have led to higher health care costs and, potentially, worse patient outcomes. That is a risk to our constituents we were unwilling to accept.

“As our communities continue to grapple with this devastating pandemic, we believe every health system should remain 100 percent focused on serving patients and protecting the hardworking people who care for them and keep our hospitals running— not on maximizing revenues. We stand ready to support Beaumont, its employees and other health care providers throughout Southeast Michigan as they continue the essential work of caring for Michiganders.”

On Tuesday, the representatives released a joint statement urging Beaumont to promptly reevaluate the proposed merger with Advocate Aurora, citing extensive evidence on the adverse impacts such mergers can have on patients.
