June 21, 2021

In This Edition 

  • COVID-19 Update  
  • Legislative Update   
  • Memorial Day Service in the Senate 
  • Coffee Hours 


Last week, Governor Whitmer and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services announced the end of all COVID-19 epidemic orders starting June 22. Beginning tomorrow, all bars and restaurants will be able to operate at full capacity, along with other businesses, such as libraries, museums, and gyms. In addition, all mask mandates have been lifted as well, regardless of vaccination status. 

This announcement comes after news that Oakland County has recently seen its lowest 7-day COVID case average since June 26, with 19 cases a day. On Tuesday, 40 out of Michigan’s 83 counties saw zero new cases. This is all possible because people stepped up to play their part to get vaccinated. Here in our state, we’ve reached 60% of residents who have received at least one shot. Oakland County has an even higher number among our residents, with 67.4% immunized. Make no mistake though, people are still getting sick and ending up hospitalized with COVID-19, however now the trend is almost all of those patients are unvaccinated. Visit Vaccines.gov to find a vaccination site near you.


Last week, Michigan Senate Republicans passed three bills that would make it significantly harder for many to vote — under the guise they would make our elections more secure. Multiple colleagues even cited polling that most people — Democratic, Republican, and Independent — support requiring an ID to vote. What they fail to acknowledge, however, is that Michigan already has an ID requirement, or that, since 2007, The Heritage Foundation (a conservative think-tank) has documented only 12 total cases of election fraud in Michigan.
Senate Majority Leader Shirkey even penned an op-ed in the Detroit Newssaying that if the issue is that some people don’t have IDs, let’s make sure everyone has one. That’s easy to say to brush off criticism, but it means absolutely nothing without putting in the resources to make that a reality. 

Without those resources or ensuring that every eligible Michigan voter has a valid, free ID first, this law would disenfranchise the elderly, many first-time voters, the homeless, and some of our most vulnerable — and strip away their constitutional right to vote. 

You can watch my Senate floor speech about this legislation on my YouTube page.

Last week, my colleagues and I reintroduced a legislative bill package that would protect families by encouraging gun owners to securely lock away and store their weapons when not in use. My bill, Senate Bill 553, would work with Sen. Rosemary Bayer’s bill, Senate Bill 550, to require firearms to be properly secured by their owners to prevent accidental injury or death when they have minors in the home. 
Other legislation in this package, including Senate Bills 551 and 552, would exempt gun safety devices like safes, lock boxes, trigger and barrel locks from sales and use tax to make them easier for gun owners to access.  On Monday, June 21, I joined Governor Whitmer as she took action to protect LGBTQ+ individuals here in the State of Michigan. Executive Directive 2021-3prohibits the use of state and federal funds for the harmful practice of conversion therapy on minors. 
This is a huge step — but we need to outlaw this horrific practice one and for all. Rep. Felicia Brabec and I introduced legislation earlier this year that would prohibit any form of treatment that seeks to force changes to sexual orientation or gender identity in individuals under the age of 18. 


On Thursday, June 17, the Michigan Senate hosted its annual Memorial Day Service. I was honored to be joined by David London, Chairman of the Royal Oak Veterans Event Committee as my guest.
You can watch the entire ceremony on the Michigan Senate’s websiteCOFFEE HOURS  Every week there is session, I host a live, virtual coffee hour at 1:00 PM on Fridays on my social media platforms. This is where I break down what has happened during the week, share some good news, and answer some of your questions. While all of my coffee hours are live, they are replayed on Saturday and can be watched at any time on my YouTube page.    

If you have any questions and are unable to attend, no worries! If you can’t make it and still have a topic you’d like for me to touch on, I’ve created an online form for you to send me your input: Meet Up with Mallory – Submit Your Questions.  

Mallory McMorrow
State Senator
13th District