Mallory McMorrow

In This Edition  

  • Statement on Oxford High School Tragedy  
  • Lansing Update  
  • Coffee Hour   


There are few words to adequately describe the horror, shock, pain, and sadness we are all feeling in the wake of the Oxford school shooting. It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. It’s every student’s, too. And it’s devastating that such deep, indescribable loss is a feeling that continues to be shared by more Americans… this time with the pain hitting right here at home.  

Over the last few days, I have listened and watched how national news has covered the tragedy that unfolded here on Tuesday afternoon. These reports all commonly started with, “Another school shooting. This time in Michigan.”  


“This time.”   

There never should have been a “this time.”  

Over the last three years, my colleagues and I have introduced dozens of bills that aim to address gun violence, including bills to require adults to safely store and secure firearms to prevent minors from gaining access, create emergency risk protection orders to provide a judge and law enforcement a tool to temporarily confiscate firearms from someone deemed an immediate risk to themselves or others, eliminate loopholes, require universal background checks, and more. Not one of these bills has been taken up by the majority party.  

This week, after hearing from so many of you, I spoke on the Senate floor demanding more. 

You can watch my full floor speech here.  

Additionally, many of you have asked how you can help Oxford families and the community. The Detroit Free Press has compiled a list of support opportunities here

We know that an overwhelming majority of people support, and demand, common-sense measures to improve gun safety and prevent senseless acts of violence. And I will continue to push for those solutions on your behalf.  


HB 4521 (Rep. Brabec)   
  • The bill amends the Public Health Code to allow HIV-positive organs to be transplanted into an HIV-positive individual, under certain circumstances. 
  • This bill passed the Senate 34-0, I voted yes. HB 4521 is now on its way to the Governor for her signature of approval.  
SB 728(Sen. McBroom)   
  • The bill would prohibit the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission from meeting in closed session 
  • This bill passed the Senate 34-0. I voted yes. SB 728 has been referred to the House Committee on Oversight.  
HB 4247(Rep. Koleszar)  
  • This bill amends the Police Officer’s and Fire Fighter’s Survivor Tuition Grant Act (PA 195 of 1996) to remove the means test for eligibility for the grants. 
  • These grants guarantee that the child of a police officer or firefighter that loses their life in the line of duty can go to a state university or community college tuition-free. 
  • This bill passed the Senate 36-0. HB 4247 is now on its way to the Governor for her signature of approval.  
HB 5026(Rep Calley)  
  • HB 5026 would extend the sunset on the Emergency 9-1-1 Enabling Act from12/31/2021 to 12/31/2027. The bill would make various amendments to the Act including increasing the prepaid wireless surcharge from 5.0% to 6.0% and allowing Treasury to audit the accounts of prepaid wireless sellers. 
  • This bill passed the Senate 36-0. HB 5026 is now on its way to the Governor for her signature of approval.  

Today we returned for our weekly “This Week with Mallory” livestream coffee hour. As a reminder, we host these Fridays at 1:00 p.m. on all social media platforms, every week there is a session. You can watch the latest coffee hour, and previous recordings, here.  

As always, our office can be contacted at or through our contact form on our website here.  



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Mallory McMorrow
State Senator
13th District