Senate District 13 Update

March 5, 2021 COVID-19 SUPPLEMENTAL This week, the Michigan Legislature passed a $4.2 billion supplemental bill package including both state and federal funding. Here’s the breakdown of those two bills: House Bill 4047 included $1.4 billion to state departments...

Update on Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Recommendations

Governor’s Budget Presentation Breakdown Yesterday, Governor Whitmer’s state budget director, David Massaron, presented the governor’s proposed recommendations for the Fiscal Year 2022 budget, totalling $67.1 billion, to a joint House and Senate Appropriations...

Senate District 13 Update

February 2, 2021 In This Edition Senator McMorrow Welcomes a New Addition to the Family!Breakdown of Governor Whitmer’s State of the State AddressUpcoming COVID-19 Vaccine Coffee Hour   SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Friday morning, we welcomed Noa Riley Wert into the...

[DUE TODAY] Employee Assistance Grant Applications

REMINDER!  The deadline to apply for employee assistance grants is 5:00 PM TODAY. You may be eligible if you lost your job or wages due to the third wave of COVID -19 that forced closures that began on Nov. 18. Workers who lost jobs or wages due to the COVID-19...