June 7, 2021
In This Edition
- Lansing Updates
- In the District
- UIA Update
- Coffee Hour
Senate Resolution 57
Last week, for the third year in a row, I introduced Senate Resolution 57 to declare June as Gun Violence Awareness Month. And for the third year in a row, that resolution was referred to the Senate Government Operations Committee rather than being adopted by the Senate.
2020 was the deadliest gun violence year in decades, tragically losing more than 43,000 lives to gun violence, and 2021 is shaping up to be no different. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb when so many people are continuing to tragically lose their lives to senseless gun violence.
Senate Resolution 58
I also recently introduced Senate Resolution 58, calling on Congress to authorize the installation of electric vehicle charging stations at rest areas on the Interstate Highway System and to allow charging station providers to charge a fee for public use of charging stations installed at such rest areas.
Michigan has a rich legacy of innovation in the automotive space, and right now it’s a space where we are leading with EVs. But without investment and creating policies that adapt to the needs of EVs, we’ll not only lose our place to states like California but to outside countries like China. We must expand our infrastructure to continue this innovation and investment.
Pride Resolution
Last week, for the first time after several years of reintroduction, Senate Resolution 60, introduced by my colleague, Senator Jeremy Moss, was adopted by the Michigan Senate declaring June as Pride Month in Michigan. I am a proud co-sponsor of this resolution. While there is still much work to do to secure the protection and rights of LGBTQ+ Michiganders, this is a small step, but one we can celebrate.
Watch Senator Moss’s speech here.
On Monday, May 31, I stopped by Royal Oak and Berkley to attend their Memorial Day ceremonies.
At one of the ceremonies, I was able to listen to a speech given by Kate Melcher, a veteran and the executive director of Fisher House. She said, “I was raised Catholic, but I’ve recently learned of a saying that is shared in the Jewish tradition when someone passes: ‘May their memory be a blessing,’ and there couldn’t be a more fitting tribute to those we’ve lost.”
After the year we’ve had, it was wonderful to see so many people, families, and pets out in our communities — and how fitting that the first event to safely bring us back together is to honor those who gave everything.

On Tuesday, June 1, I stopped by Rochester High School and Rochester Adam High School to drop off tributes to honor a couple of amazing student athletes in our district.
Last month in the Senate Chamber, I acknowledged students of Jack Van Howe of Rochester High School and the Rochester Adams Competitive Cheer Team for their recent state champion title wins. Due to COVID-19, they unfortunately were unable to join us at the Capitol in Lansing, but with some help from Rochester Community Schools, we were able to stop by and take the time to recognize their outstanding achievements.

On June 3, I joined Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist and Eboni Taylor, Michigan Executive Director of Mothering Justice, for a tele-town hall hosted by State Innovation Exchange that focused on increasing access to affordable quality childcare. During this town hall, we touched on topics like – how to find accessible ways to provide childcare for those who don’t work in a typical 9-5 job and how affordable and accessible childcare is an essential component to Michigan’s economic recovery and helping get people back to work.

On Sunday, May 30, Michigan’s Unemployment Insurance Agency reinstated Work Search Requirements for those who are receiving unemployment benefits.
>> Click here for an FAQ sheet about Work Search Requirements.
In other UIA news, beginning June 7, 2021, if certifying by phone, you must certify on your scheduled certification day and time. Your certification day and time are scheduled according to the last two digits of your Social Security Number.
>> Click here for more information on Michigan’s unemployment system.
If you or someone you know is having difficulties with their unemployment account, you can find our UIA assistance form here.
As we work to return to in-person events, we will be continuing to host our virtual coffee hours every Friday at 1:00 PM every week we are in session on our social media pages.
If you have any questions and are unable to attend, no worries! We have created a submission form for you to ask your questions. While all of our coffee hours are live, we replay them on Saturday and they can be found on our YouTube page.
>> Meet Up with Mallory: Submit Your Questions

Mallory McMorrow
State Senator
13th District