Dear Neighbor,

Southfield was Michigan’s fastest growing community a half-century ago and is in urgent need of serious investment in our infrastructure a half-century later.

After years of neglect of our roads and bridges around the state — especially in the wake of a changing climate, which has accelerated this crisis — I’ve been partnering with Governor Whitmer and our local officials in Southfield and Lathrup Village to rebuild our infrastructure from the ground up and ensure Michigan is once again prioritizing critical projects that provide good-paying jobs.

Detailed on this postcard are some highlights of what we’ve been doing to fix roads and bridges, replace lead water pipelines and ensure we are prepared for the next severe weather event. If you have any questions, concerns, or want to share your thoughts or suggestions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me!

Jeremy Moss
State Senator, District 1
Assistant Democratic Leader

Phone: (517) 373-7888
Click the link to review the PDF Version of this newsletter

Investing in Our Community


State and Federal Dollars Being Put to Work…

The Rebuilding Michigan bond plan invests $3.5 billion over five years to build and repair state highways and bridges to ensure that drivers are not being put at risk due to crumbling infrastructure. Projects are currently underway on major highways across the state that support approximately 22,800 construction jobs and 21,700 jobs in other industries.

Further, the State of Michigan will benefit from a historic $563.1 million investment over five years made possible by the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan. And on Jan. 13, 2022, Gov. Whitmer established the Michigan Infrastructure Office, ensuring these federal resources will be used effectively and efficiently to upgrade essential infrastructure – underground and on the surface – repairing roads and bridges, replacing lead pipes, expanding high- speed internet, and building up electric vehicle charging stations.

…in Our Hometowns!

In addition to these dollars that will soon be allocated, here’s what I voted for in the recent budget to invest right here in Southfield and Lathrup Village:

Protecting Our Water Infrastructure

Tapping into federal COVID-19 relief funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), I joined with my colleagues in the Michigan Senate to pass Senate Bill 565 on Dec. 2, 2021, which provides $3.3 billion to rebuild our state’s water infrastructure. These upgrades will greatly reduce flooding and make our state more resilient to a changing climate. This will put thousands of people to work building these long-term improvements.

This bill provides for several important and longstanding needs across the state, including:

$1 billion for lead line replacement
$650 million for dam removal and repair, prioritizing risk reduction
$400 million for drinking water systems
$235 million for clean water infrastructure
$200 million in wastewater grants to address combined sewer overflows and illicit connections
$100 million to address PFAS remediation at sites without a responsible party
$85 million to install filtered drinking water fountains at schools