Michigan Senate Democrats

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Senate Democrats Highlight Voting Rights Legislation on MLK Day

Senate Democrats Highlight Voting Rights Legislation on MLK Day

Senate Democrats continue to uplift the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through key legislative accomplishments    Each year, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and legacy are lauded and acknowledged on January 15 to coincide with his birthday, January 15,...

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Michigan Senate Democrats

Michigan Senate Democrats

With a #MajorityForThePeople, we are building a Michigan the next generation can be proud of.

Michigan ranks 39th in the nation for workforce participation, and the lack of child care is the top reason young workers are choosing not to enter the workforce. Hear from Sen. Kristen McDonald Rivet, committee members, and community leaders on possible solutions. ... See MoreSee Less

1 day ago

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Is having a child a sentence to be living in poverty?

Welfare contricts people’s income potential. Welfare doesn’t let you save money or save for retirement.

“Most of us in our youth possess and display some of our greatest idealism. It should be honored and celebrated and cultivated. I remember marching for Cesar Chavez’s farm worker rights , opposing the proliferation of nuclear power plants, working for LGB equality, protesting former Nixon attorney John Dean at our University making money off his criminal behavior. (Later he worked to make amends for his crimes.) I treasure those memories & idealism. YOU need not lose your idealism aimed towards truth, justice, peace & helping the underdogs of the world, but please recognize the reality of The Rolling Stones “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”. When that happens don’t give up, but understand the next best thing IS alleviating the problem/cause. If you stage a protest vote against Harris in November, you positively will be contributing towards a WORSE situation than now. If Trump wins, the situation here and in Gaza will positively be worse for Palestinians and any anti-government protesters here. It is a clear choice between the lesser of two evils. Trump and/or members of the GOP have stated already that they will deport pro-Palestinians protesters and/or cut your college aid. One has even called for dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza. Others are calling for annihilation. They effectively frame YOUR protest as IF you support Palestinian citizens, you are supporting the original murderous actions of Hamas and that YOU are a violent mob. In addition, recently “Donald Trump, vowed during an event in Washington D.C. to restore his anti-Muslim travel ban: ‘We will get them out of our country. I will ban refugee resettlement from terror infested areas like the Gaza Strip. And then we’ll seal our border and bring back the travel ban. Remember the famous travel ban? We didn’t take people from certain areas of the world because I didn’t want to have people ripping down and burning our shopping centers and killing people. But we’re not taking them from infested countries.’ Furthermore, they have right wing supporters infiltrating your movement to stir up unrest and violence between Israeli supporters and Palestinian supporters. This is a tactic that was used by the FBI in the 60s. Some of you were too young to remember some of Trump’s horrific behavior from when you were kids, including being found guilty of stealing from his non-profit foundation, pleading no contest to discrimination against Blacks in housing, separating kids from their parents at the border & putting them in cages. (Many still haven’t found their parents.) He totally downplayed COVID saying it would be like the common flu and would go away quickly. He was caught on tape admitting he knew it was much worse but didn’t want to alarm people. He pushed unproven, unscientific remedies to cure COVID. If you check the states that had the highest death RATES they tend to be dominated by red states that didn’t take precautions like vaccines and masking. In 2015 his notorious tape of him bragging about being able to “grab women by the pussy” came out. He mocked a disabled reporter, totally disrespected POWs, & had over 30,000 documented lies or misleading statements in the span of about 4 years. Any other politician’s campaign would have ended after his bragging about having the privilege to sexually assault & then being found guilty of sexual assault, but not his. There’s tons more and I’d encourage you to see the past history of this appalling human. If Trump wins, we go further backwards, and more importantly, so do fair minded, innocent Palestinians, Muslims, Haitians, Hispanics, Blacks & Native Americans. I implore you to keep fighting for justice, vote, but make progress again and again even if you don’t reach the goals this time.” Signed, An Old White Dude Activist @Paul Harris www.newarab.com/news/trump-vows-crush-pro-palestine-college-demos-if-elected www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/05/trump-protesters-gop-marco-rubio-palestine-college-deport/

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Legislation passed by the Michigan Senate was signed into law this week, expanding access to healthcare, protecting workers’ rights, and enhancing public safety. 

With these bills, we’re ensuring that all Michiganders, from rural communities to essential home care workers, have the support they need to succeed and grow. ✨

Read more here 👇

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