Dear Neighbor,
I hope this letter finds you and your family well. Like every other summer, time has flown by, and back-to-school season is right around the corner. As a parent of three, I know just how important it is to have access to programs and additional support in the classroom to ensure our children have the best possible opportunity to jumpstart their futures — whether that be going to college or beginning their careers. With this in mind, the Michigan Senate Democrats passed the school-aid budget with the highest ever per-pupil funding in Michigan’s history, and that’s why I will keep fighting every day to prioritize our children’s education.
I am listening to you. I work hard to represent you and appreciate hearing your concerns and ideas (more on what we’ve accomplished below!). The best ways to connect with my office can be found below. For more frequent updates on what I am working on and where I am in the district, please follow my official Facebook page.
Email: sensshink@senate.michigan.govPhone: (517) 373-2426U.S. Mail: P.O. Box 30036 Lansing, MI 48909 Sincerely,

Sue Shink State SenatorDistrict 14
Legislative Updates
Celebrating Michigan’s Historic Economic Success
In June, Michigan saw an additional 23,000 workers join the labor force which contributed to the state reaching a near-record-low unemployment rate of 3.6% — the lowest it has been in nearly 25 years and a level only seen three times in the last 50 years. At the same time, CNBC named Michigan as a top ten state for business in 2023. With all this new data, the message to workers and businesses is clear: whether you’re looking for a good-paying job or a place to start a successful small business, Michigan is a state where you can thrive.
Since taking office, our new Majority for the People has championed legislation to lower costs for Michiganders, protect worker’s rights, and make it easier for businesses to relocate and expand here in Michigan. Read the full story here.
Michigan Senate Passes Conversion Therapy Ban
I was proud to support Senate Bills 348 and 349, as well as House Bills 4616 and 4617, which ban the harmful practice of conversion therapy by mental health professionals seeking to change the gender identity or sexual orientation of minors. The bills have been signed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and make Michigan the twenty-second state to ban conversion therapy.
Community Resources
Outage Related Food Benefit Replacement
Individuals and families who receive SNAP benefits and lost food due to the recent power outages have a 10-day window to request food benefit replacements. Please contact your local MDHHS office and/or caseworker to request assistance to replace the food benefits. Here is how to find your local MDHHS office:
How to proceed when reporting the loss:
- Contact the local office to request assistance replacing food benefit loss.
- Provide verification of their power loss.
- Replacements and reauthorizations are processed only if the client reports the loss within 10 days of domestic misfortune or disaster. However, if day 10 falls on a weekend or holiday and it is reported on the next workday, it is still considered timely.
Please let our office know about your experience with the utility in working through this.
Weekly Road Work Schedule
We are seeing a lot of construction happening as we make significant investments in our roadways and bridges. If you want to avoid construction and road closures, you can view current road closures and construction projects by township below:
In the Community
Humane Society of Huron Valley

I recently spent some time hugging puppies and meeting with the fantastic folks of the Huron Valley Humane Society. The wonderful people at the Humane Society do amazing work taking care of our four-legged friends and helping them find their forever homes.
Ann Arbor, Dexter, Jackson, and Chelsea Events

It has been a busy summer connecting with constituents across the district. Most recently, I held events in Ann Arbor, Dexter, Jackson and Chelsea to speak with constituents about kitchen table issues. We will be having more events in the fall, and I hope to see you at one of them!
Constituent Door Knocking

This summer, our team has knocked thousands of doors and we are just getting started! We are knocking all over Senate District 14, and we will continue to reach out to let you know how our office can be helpful as you navigate state government. I want to hear how I can best advocate for you in Lansing.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve!