Dear Neighbor,
Happy almost holidays!
As the year comes to a close, I’ll be advocating for you in Lansing until our session adjourns, most likely December 23. This is an important time in the legislature, and I encourage you to be engaged during these final weeks. Please read on to learn more!
If you or someone you know would like to provide any feedback about what’s happening in Lansing, or needs assistance of any sort, please feel free to reach out to my office. You can contact me by sending an email to sensshink@senate.michigan.gov or calling (517) 373-2426. Also, please visit my official Facebook page for the latest updates.

Sue Shink
State Senator
14th Senate District

- Join me for the Ann Arbor Community Town Hall on Tuesday, December 17th at 5:30 PM, 530 S. State St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (Michigan Union, Wolverine Room, 3rd Floor). RSVP here.
- Senate Democrats honor International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, enacting bipartisan legislation and delivering budget investments that support and protect survivors of violence.
- The holidays are a perfect time to give back and invest in our local communities. That’s why my colleagues and I are working hard to tackle food insecurity in Michigan and increase support for our local small businesses.

Wrapping Up the Final Weeks of the 102nd Michigan Legislature
The end of this year marks the end of the 102nd Michigan legislature. It’s a good time to reflect on just a few of our accomplishments such as safeguarding Michiganders’ rights , cutting costs while investing in the people of Michigan and protecting our state’s environment, water, and natural resources. I’m proud of the work my colleagues and I have done over the past two years.
While we’ll be here in Lansing until the end of the year, advocating on your behalf, I’m already looking forward to the start of the 103rd Michigan Legislature and to another productive year delivering real solutions for our families.
To stay informed, you can track legislation by searching for bill numbers or topics on the Michigan Legislature’s website.
Recognizing International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

According to the Citizens Research Council of Michigan, about 41% of women have experienced Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) during their lifetime. In 2021, 70,564 people reported incidents of domestic violence to Michigan police, underscoring the serious public health concern plaguing us.
Nov. 25 is annually recognized as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Senate Democrats have passed bipartisan legislation and delivered budget investments that protect survivors of violence, ranging from:
- Allocating $1 million in the 2025 budget to support programs that serve survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking;
- Enacting Senate Bills 471 and 528, along with House Bill 4945, to prevent those convicted of domestic violence crimes from possessing, using, or purchasing a firearm in Michigan for eight years, protecting survivors of violence from further abuse;
- And championing an extensive, bipartisan bill package to improve state laws regarding sexual assault and provide better, trauma-informed support for survivors.

Michigan Adoption Day

My team attended the Michigan Supreme Court’s Adoption Day 2024 celebration, where two families finalized adoptions. The annual event raises awareness about adoption and highlights the need for adoptive homes and the love adoption brings to our community.
State of Homelessness Event

Affordable housing and the mitigation of homelessness are vital to healthy people and healthy communities. I’ve been able to increase housing and reduce homelessness by bringing dollars home to our district. My Chief of Staff attended Washtenaw Housing Alliance’s State of Homelessness and Affordable Housing event to learn how state and federal funding are positively impacting my district and the state. I have secured funding for organizations including Ozone House, Residents in Action, Jackson Interfaith Shelter, Habitat for Humanity, the City of Jackson, and Avalon Housing.
Capitol Visit by Chelsea Senior Center

It was wonderful to see our friends from the Chelsea Senior Center visiting at the Capitol in November!
Meeting with MDARD Director Tim Boring

Tim Boring, Director of the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, met with me at Agricole in Chelsea to talk about how Michigan farmers growing food for Michiganders can invigorate the economies and social fabric of small towns. Agricole is a perfect example of a local store that returns more profit to farmers while making available to us the incredible diversity of food and other useful things Michiganders grow, make and sell!
Appreciating Small Business Owners

Great to meet Casey and Linda, owners of Mama Nola Granola, at Argus Farm Stop in Ann Arbor. Micro businesses like theirs make life more interesting and fuel our economy!
Jackson Street Renaming

The City of Jackson unveiled a new street sign to honor the late City Councilperson and community leader, Carl Breeding. His family and current city leaders, on hand to celebrate, recounted how Mr. Breeding touched lives and served as a mentor to many.
School Groups Visit the Capitol

I love to meet school groups when they visit the State Capitol. My team and I enjoyed hosting several groups recently, including the wonderful students of Wylie and South Meadows elementary schools.

My Chief of Staff welcomed students from Northwest Elementary and Bean Elementary of Jackson County and was impressed with their knowledge and enthusiasm!
Rockin’ for the Hungry

Representative Felicia Brabec and I were freezin’ for a reason with 107.1 and Food Gatherers. We collected contributions to provide about 1,000 meals during our efforts!
The Chelsea Light Parade

What’s more fun than watching the Chelsea Light Parade? Volunteering! It was chilly and bright in Chelsea with everyone decked out in lights!

Ann Arbor Community Town Hall

WHEN: Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: 530 S. State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (Michigan Union, Wolverine Room, 3rd floor)
Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and the Washtenaw County delegation will host a community conversation in Ann Arbor. I hope you will attend. RSVP here.
This event is handicap accessible with elevators in the Michigan Union building.

Tackling Food Insecurity
It’s important to recognize that many families face distinct challenges during this time of year, from working hard to pay bills on time to struggling to put food on the table. With about one in eight Michigan households dealing with the devastating effects of food insecurity, it goes without saying — hunger is a grave problem in our state, and it comes with serious consequences, impacting health, financial stability, and overall well-being.
From continuing the free school meals program for our students to ensuring seniors across our state can access food assistance, my colleagues and I have made significant groundwork in combating food insecurity in Michigan. Click here to learn more about the different ways Senate Democrats have been tackling hunger across the state, and here are some food assistance resources to keep in mind this season:
- The Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services offers various food assistance resources and programs.
- Michigan 211 helps locate local programs to meet food and nutrition needs, from prepared meal programs to emergency formula and baby food assistance.
- Locate food banks in our local community, explore volunteer opportunities, and more at Feeding America – Michigan.
- Explore the Food Bank Council of Michigan’s website to find local food bank information, assistance with SNAP benefits, and more.
Stay Healthy This Holiday Season — Get Your Flu Vaccine
The Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is encouraging everyone to get their flu vaccine if they have not already done so. By getting the flu vaccine now, families will protect themselves and their loved ones against the flu throughout the holiday and flu seasons.
To ensure protection over the holidays, individuals should get their vaccine now before flu activity peaks in Michigan. To stay safe from other respiratory viruses, MDHHS also recommends getting the COVID-19 and RSV vaccines. All three of these vaccines can be given at the same time.
To find a vaccine location near you, visit Vaccine Finder. To learn more about seasonal respiratory illnesses and how to protect yourself, visit Michigan.gov/covidflursv.
Tips for Cancer Patients During the Holidays
The holiday season can be a particularly challenging time while living with cancer. Despite the joys of spending more time with family and loved ones, this time may bring anxiety, stress, mental and physical exhaustion, and the difficulty of coping with unwanted comments.
Here are some tips for navigating the holidays:
- Try to not overexert yourself. Give yourself grace and permission to decide which gatherings you are able to attend.
- Don’t be afraid to communicate your needs and boundaries. It’s okay to say “no.”
- Practice self-care. Whether that means enjoying a book with a cup of tea, or taking a walk, take some time to do something you love.
- Try to mentally prepare and have a way to cope with unwanted comments.
- If you feel like your mental health is struggling during this time, contact your healthcare provider and ask about support and resources.
Find more information and resources for Michiganders living with cancer on the MDDHS website.