Dear Neighbor,
June is a wonderful time in our state to celebrate community events like art fairs, farmers markets, parades, Pride events, Juneteenth, and so much more. Whatever way you prefer to spend your time, whether that be in the garden, downtown or at the beach, I hope you are kicking off a great summer surrounded by your family, friends and community.
The Michigan Senate and the House are continuing to work on the Fiscal Year 2025 state budget that will soon be presented to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to sign. We are working hard, ensuring state dollars go toward our residents and the communities we live, work, and grow in. This newsletter serves as a great update on what we’re accomplishing here in Lansing on your behalf.
As always, if you or someone you know would like to provide feedback about what’s happening in Lansing or needs assistance, feel free to contact my office. You can email us at or call (517) 373-3447.

Sam Singh
State Senator
District 28
Featured in the Newsletter
- Legislative Updates
- In the District
- Upcoming Events
- In Other News
Legislative Updates
Keeping our Campers Safe
I am happy to report that earlier this month, the Senate passed two bills I have championed, Senate Bills 692 and 695, which standardize both licensing and protections for children and adult campers under the Camp Licensing Act. With new guidelines, including background checks and camp inspections, campers can enjoy a better, safer, experience. These bills have been referred to the House for further consideration.
Ensuring Equal Insurance Coverage for Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Treatments
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed bipartisan legislation, Senate Bill 27, sponsored by Sen. Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing). This new law requires insurers to cover treatments for mental health and substance use disorders at the same level as physical health services. It aims to close existing loopholes and ensure that Michigan residents can access the necessary treatments when they need them.
Bipartisan Senate Legislation to Address Michigan’s Paramedic Shortage Enacted
Gov. Whitmer recently signed Senate Bill 249, sponsored by Sen. Kevin Hertel (D-St. Clair Shores), legislation that will help ensure more paramedics can enter the workforce by giving qualified individuals more avenues for accreditation. The bill allows paramedics to receive accreditation through a state-administered exam instead of only having a national exam option, cutting bureaucratic red tape that could reduce time and financial barriers to becoming a paramedic.
The legislation also updates exams for emergency medical services personnel and requires non-accredited education program sponsors to give specific notices. By expanding accreditation exam options, the State of Michigan is making the cost of paramedic programs more accessible and affordable.
Senate Introduces Bipartisan “Safer Michigan Act” to Reduce Future Crime
Last month, a bipartisan group of Senators introduced a package of bills known as the “Safer Michigan Act” (Senate Bills 861–864) to establish Productivity Credits, which provide incentives for eligible inmates to participate in and complete programs proven to reduce the likelihood of future crime. Productivity Credits are an evidence-based safety strategy to reduce recidivism and prepare people who are incarcerated to return to their communities.
The Safer Michigan Act is sponsored by Sen. Jeff Irwin (D-Ann Arbor) (SB 861), Sen. Roger Victory (R-Hudsonville) (SB 862), Sen. Erika Geiss (D-Taylor) (SB 863), and Sen. Ed McBroom (R-Waucedah Twp.) (SB 864) and has the support of thousands of crime victims, as well as law enforcement, business leaders, and faith groups in Michigan.
Creating a Welcoming, Inclusive State for All During Pride Month

Michigan Senate Democrats are committed to cultivating true inclusion and belonging in Michigan — not only during the month of June, but every day year-round. Since taking office, we have worked to expand the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA), reaffirming and expanding legal protections for the LGBTQ+ community. This effort has been 50 years in the making and will protect our LGBTQ+ family, friends, coworkers and neighbors against discrimination in employment, public accommodations and public services. It also will provide protection in educational facilities, housing and real estate.
In addition to passing a resolution recognizing June as Pride Month, the Michigan Senate has passed bills — including Senate Bills 348 and 349 — to ban the harmful practice of conversion therapy by mental health professionals seeking to change the gender identity or sexual orientation of minors.
These legislative efforts are a big step forward for Michigan, but certainly not the last. Our caucus remains committed to putting forth legislation that will further advance our shared mission of equity and inclusion.
Building Safe Communities: Senate Democrats Recognize National Gun Violence Awareness Month

To draw attention to the issue of gun violence and advocate for life-saving policies, the Michigan Senate recently passed a resolution recognizing June as Gun Violence Awareness Month. Gun violence is a public health crisis that plagues communities across our state, leaving an irrevocable mark on mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, friends, and neighbors. Since 2012, we’ve seen the rate of gun deaths in Michigan increase by 25%, and firearms are now the leading cause of death for children and teens. For all these reasons, there has never been a more important time for lawmakers to act on commonsense policies that are proven to make our communities safer.
After assuming the Majority, my colleagues and I delivered a slate of gun violence prevention legislation that Michigan residents have waited years for. This legislation closes dangerous loopholes to strengthen background checks, requires the secure storage of firearms, disarms individuals convicted of domestic violence and allows for the temporary removal of firearms from people who pose a significant risk to themselves or others.
As we work to build safe communities for all Michiganders to enjoy, I remain committed to championing evidence-based solutions to this public health crisis.
In the District
Clean Energy Town Hall

On June 3, I hosted a Clean Energy Town Hall on the MSU campus alongside the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. The event featured panelists from MSU students, the Michigan Laborers District Council, and the Energy Innovation Business Council. We had a lot of great questions from the audience that prompted important conversations surrounding the new energy laws that went into effect this year and the positive impact they will have on Michigan’s future. Learn more about the Clean Energy Future Plan and how Senate Democrats are investing in Michigan’s climate progress in this recent news story.
MSU McDonalds Tour

For those of you familiar with MSU campus area, you know it’s not easy to miss the two-story McDonalds that has been a longtime staple there. Well, good news! I was recently able to tour the location and meet the team and while there, I was filled in on some upcoming renovations planned for the space. Stay tuned.
East Lansing Educational Foundation Awards

The East Lansing Educational Foundation is a diverse organization pursuing excellence and innovation in education through community engagement, strategic partnerships, ongoing fundraising, and effective programming. I was incredibly honored to attend their 2024 Award Ceremony to celebrate their 40-year anniversary and present tributes to their award recipients.
Thanks to Public Policy Associates

Thanks to Public Policy Associates for having me join them at one of their recent events, where we engaged in great discussion and had time to connect and reflect on policies and barriers impacting Michiganders. For over 30 years, Public Policy Associates has worked with a diverse range of clients on the evaluation, research, and strategic consultation they need to make smart public policy decisions that improve lives, enrich communities, and strengthen institutions.
Congratulations to the Laingsburg Red Thunder Robotics Team

I was excited to invite the Laingsburg “Red Thunder” Robotics Team to the Capitol to celebrate their invitation to participate in the World’s Robotic Tournament in Texas. It’s truly a significant accomplishment, and I wish them continued success in the future!
Upcoming Events
July 22 Coffee & Conversation

I love being able to regularly connect with constituents at my Coffee and Conversation events and hear about the issues you care about. I hope you can join me at the next one in July, where you will also have the chance to get updates on what my Senate colleagues and I have moved forward at the Capitol so far this year.
WHEN: Monday, July 22, from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Corunna Public Library, 210 E. Corunna Ave., Corunna, MI 48817
In Other News
Calling All Michigan Artists! Secretary Benson Announces New “I Voted” Sticker Contest

Grab your color pencils, crayons or markers — Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson recently announced the state’s inaugural “I Voted” sticker contest is now accepting entries from students enrolled in Michigan schools and Michigan residents.
Michiganders can apply for a chance to see their design on an official “I Voted” sticker that will be handed out to voters when they go to the polls this year. Local election clerks can order the winning sticker designs in time for the November election.
The contest has separate entry categories for grades K-8, grades 9-12, and general entry, which is open to Michigan residents of all ages. Designs must be completed on the official entry form available at, nonpartisan, and must include the phrase “I Voted.”
Entries are due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, June 30. Full contest rules are at The public will have the opportunity to vote for finalists online throughout the month of July. Winners will be announced in August and will receive special recognition from Secretary Benson.