Sen. Singh cracks down on tobacco retailers, pushes for stronger prevention policies among Michigan’s youth
LANSING, Mich. (Oct. 30, 2024) — Sen. Sam Singh (D-East Lansing) has issued the following statement after providing testimony today at a Senate Committee on Regulatory Affairs hearing on legislation that would require tobacco retailers to be licensed and repealing the penalties against minors for tobacco use, purchase, or possession — which have shown to be ineffective. His legislation, Senate Bills 651 and 652, work with bills sponsored by Sens. Cavanagh (D-Redford Twp.) and Wojno (D-Warren), Senate Bills 653 and 654, to curb youth tobacco use in Michigan.
“As a parent, what I want for my child is what I want for all kids across Michigan — a bright and promising future. And, like many parents, I am frustrated by how easy it is for minors to access tobacco products at their neighborhood store, contributing to a vaping epidemic that has become the leading cause of preventable death in our state and country.
“Currently in Michigan, there are more violations of laws prohibiting the sale of tobacco to kids than any other state in the country. This is simply unacceptable. As an extreme outlier when it comes to tobacco regulation, it’s clear Michigan needs stronger enforcement and accountability measures, and that is exactly what this legislation intends to do. By placing the onus on retailers to prevent tobacco use among youth by setting tobacco retail license regulations in place, we’re bringing Michigan in line with nearly every other state in the country.”

Sen. Sam Singh testifying before the Senate Committee on Regulatory Affairs on Wed., Oct. 30 about his bills to prevent tobacco use among Michigan youth.