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Dear Neighbor, As your State Senator, I am looking forward to continuing to serve the residents of Clinton, Ingham, and Shiawassee counties at the Capitol, where I am working hard to address the challenges Michiganders are facing both in my backyard and around the state.

While plenty of work remains ahead, I want to take a moment to pause and reflect on all the progress made and victories won in 2024. Last year, I was incredibly proud to work alongside my Senate colleagues in advancing legislation to support Michigan families and workers, from helping more folks afford their utility bills to ensuring they have a solid safety net if they find themselves between jobs. Building off of the historic budget investments made the year prior, we passed yet another bold, balanced budget to deliver critical funding to schools and communities statewide.

I want to thank you for entrusting me to uplift your voice in Lansing, where I stand committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to deliver solutions for you and your loved ones. At any time, please feel free to connect with my office if you want to share your concerns, ask questions, or need any help navigating state government. We’re here to serve you, always.


Sam Singh Signature

Sam Singh
State Senator
District 28

Senator Singh’s
2024 Legislative Highlights

Expanded Energy Assistance For Michigan Households
Public Act 169

Boosts funding for our state’s energy assistance program and expands eligibility requirements, ensuring more Michiganders who are facing tough times can get the help they need to keep their lights on and homes heated.

Promoting the Agriculture Industry
Public Act 60

Relaxes auditing requirements for funds collected by commodity groups, helping keep resources focused on promoting agricultural growth in our state. This ensures funds collected under this act will be allocated and disbursed appropriately for marketing programs that support our farmers, the agriculture industry, and their contributions to the economy.

Increased Access To Health Care For Rural Michiganders
Public Act 132

Expands the definition of which hospitals can qualify for funds distributed to the rural hospital access pool, ensuring rural hospitals — including Shiawassee County’s Memorial Healthcare — have the resources necessary to provide quality care to their communities.

Enhanced Wintertime Roadway Safety
Public Act 72

Requires drivers give snowplows at least 200 feet of space, enhancing safety on the roads for Michigan motorists and workers alike.

Protecting Workers & Victims Of Domestic Assault
Public Act 239

Safeguards workers’ ability to qualify for unemployment benefits if they miss work due to extenuating circumstances, including people who are experiencing domestic violence.

Support For Michigan Students
Public Act 78

Increases the minimum hours of training for licensure as a cosmetology instructor, manicurist, and esthetician, ensuring federal financial aid is available to students in these programs while keeping these careers within reach in our state.