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Singh Email Banner

Dear Neighbor, 

Senate Democrats passed a budget that would make historical investments in our schools, students, infrastructure and local communities. This newsletter dives into more detail about what we have passed in the Senate. Over the next couple of weeks, the legislature will continue conversations finalizing the FY 2025 budget. We will keep you updated on the process and progress!  

If you have questions or want more details on any of these budgets, please reach out to my office. You can email us at SenSSingh@senate.michigan.gov or call (517) 373-3447.  


Sam Singh Signature

Sam Singh
State Senator
District 28

Building Up MichiganBudget Proposal 

LRCC Town Hall
  • Budget Highlights 

School Aid Budget Key Investments 

Per-Pupil Funding Increase:  

  • 3.1% increase, raising the foundation allowance to $9,910 per pupil 
  • Proposed $122.6M for at-risk funding, adding flexibility for schools to use up to 60% of funds for teacher salaries to ensure teachers in districts with more at-risk students are fairly compensated 

Free School Meals:  

  • Proposal to offer free school meals for all kids 

You can find more details about what is included using this link. 


Revenue Sharing Key Investments 

Restoration of Revenue Sharing:  

  • Return to revenue sharing method from 1998 
  • Inclusion of ~1,200 previously excluded communities 

Enhanced Local Services:  

  • Reliable and responsive police and fire services, quality parks and recreation opportunities, improved local water, sewer, and trash services 

You can find more details about this recommendation using this link. 


Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Budget Key Investments 

Behavioral and Mental Health Support: 

  • $25M GF/GP recommendation for expanding Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics 
  • Proposal to create an Office of Suicide Prevention 
  • $11.2M to provide support for organizations with clients dealing with substance abuse issues 

Medicaid Access Enhancements: 

  • Funding for rate increases for Federally Qualified Health Centers, autism services, anesthesia, office visits, speech language services and private duty nursing 
  • A proposed $35M to increase wages of Direct Care Workers 

Senior Resources: 

  • $2.9M recommendation for senior resource investments including funding for home-delivered meals and the MI Elder Justice Initiative Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program 

Assistance Programs: 

  • $105M for critical safety net programs including MI Energy Assistance Stabilization, Water Affordability Program and continuing the medical debt relief program 
  • $9.4M for programs aimed at addressing food security issues and food deserts 

You can find more details about what is included using this link. 


Agriculture Budget Key Investments 

Proposed investments to support Minority-Owned Food and Agriculture Businesses 

Farm to Family Program: 

  • $2M proposal for continuation 

Conservation Districts: 

  • $6M proposal to support ongoing work 

You can find more details about what is included using this link. 


Department of Transportation (MDOT) Budget Key Investments 

  • Our proposed MDOT budget makes historical investment in our roads and bridges, responsibly maximizing federal match opportunities and ensuring the department has the resources it needs to be more efficient  
  • Proposed $100M for critical infrastructure including, $40M for local bridges, $20M for innovation grants and $5M for a road usage charge pilot program 

You can find more details about what is included using this link. 


Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) Budget Key Investments  

Support for Startups and Small Businesses: 

  • $60M for Community Development Financial Institutions and the Michigan Innovation Fund 

Competitive Grant Program for Minority-Owned Businesses: 

  • $10M to create grants for minority-owned businesses or nonprofit business organizations 

Affordable Housing: 

  • $150M to help administer programs to increase access to housing, including down payment assistance and direct financing support, homeowner repair programs and weatherization training grants  

You can find more details about what is included using this link. 


Higher Education Budget Key Investments 

Ongoing 2.5% increase for operations of 15 public state universities, 28 public community colleges, and MSU AgBioResearch and MSU Extension 

Community College Guarantee: 

  • Expanded access to free community college for all students across the state 

You can find more details about what is included using this link. 


Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) Budget Key Investments 

Climate Change Mitigation through Green Infrastructure: 

  • $15.3M for water infrastructure grants for municipalities to support stormwater projects 

Water Infrastructure Improvements: 

  • Investments to enhance water infrastructure 

Clean Fuel and Charging Infrastructure: 

  • $15M proposal for deployment 

You can find more details about what is included using this link. 

As we work to deliver a final budget by the end of June, I encourage you to learn more about the process and the investments we’re looking to make to support communities across Michigan — read more here. 

Haslett High School

Upcoming Event 

Happening This Monday: Clean Energy Future Town Hall Meeting 

Safe Center Tour

Please join me for an upcoming Clean Energy Future Town Hall meeting, where I will be joined by a panel of environmental experts to discuss crucial clean energy initiatives and legislation, and how we can continue to envision the future of clean energy in Michigan. 

WHEN: Monday, June 3 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.  
WHERE: MSU STEM Building, 642 Red Cedar Road – Room 3202, East Lansing, MI 48824