Dear Neighbor, 

I hope this newsletter finds you and your family well. I wanted to provide some pertinent updates about what is happening at the state Capitol. My team and I are working hard each day for the Mid-Michigan region and I hope the below information, including a legislative update and upcoming event details, is helpful. 

As always, if you, or someone you know, wants to provide any feedback about what’s happening in Lansing or needs assistance of any sort, please feel free to reach out to us at any time. You can email us at or call (517) 373-6960. 

In Service,

Sarah Anthony
State Senator
District 21


Gov. Whitmer Signs Lowering MI Costs Plan into Law, Cutting Taxes by $1 Billion for working families and seniors 

Last week, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed the Lowering MI Costs plan, one of the biggest tax relief initiatives Michigan has seen in decades. The plan will overhaul the unfair and unpopular retirement tax, expand the Working Families Tax Credit, and make significant investments in housing and community development.  

By expanding the Working Families Tax Credit to 30 percent of the federal Earned Income Tax Credit, over 700,000 Michiganders will see an average of $3,150 dollars back in their pockets. This money is vital, especially now. People will be better positioned to purchase groceries, afford necessary medications, and pay bills. Phasing out the unfair and unpopular retirement tax over four years will ultimately put an average of $1,000 back in the pockets of 500,000 residents. For far too long, our state has placed this additional financial hardship on the backs of our people. Hard-working people right here in Mid-Michigan and across the entire state, who put in decades of hard work, deserve to retire with dignity. Repealing this tax will relieve people of this unfair burden and restore their ability to live on the budget they planned for throughout their careers.  

The Lowering MI Costs plan also invests $50 million of surplus tax revenue in the state’s Housing and Community Development Fund, which prioritizes projects offering veterans, seniors, people with disabilities, and working families safe, affordable places to call home. Lansing is experiencing a housing crisis. With this significant, sustainable and ongoing dedicated funding to affordable housing, we will make a difference for folks right here at home.  


Senate Repeals Archaic 1931 Abortion Ban 

On International Women’s Day, the Michigan Senate Democrats passed much-needed legislation to repeal Michigan’s 1931 statute that criminalizes abortion care and related acts. My bill, Senate Bill 93, repeals penalties for the sale of drugs or medicine to procure a miscarriage. 

The other bills in the package include: 

  • Senate Bill 2 (Geiss) repeals the 1931 ban on contraception and other information about reproductive health (by repealing section 40 of 1931 PA 328). 
  • Senate Bill 37 (Bayer) would update the code of criminal procedure. 
  • Senate Bill 39 (Geiss) repeals Section 14 of 1931 PA 328 that criminalizes providing an abortion. 

Almost 2.5 million Michiganders, 56.7 percent of voters, made it overwhelmingly clear last fall that residents of this state have the fundamental right to reproductive freedom to make their own health care decisions without political interference. 

Supplemental Budget Investments in Michigan 

My colleagues and I passed a $1.34 billion supplemental appropriations package that contains funding for a number of important priorities, including: 

  • $75.0 million for hospital staffing grants to help with retention to increase wages for staff and provide workforce retention bonuses as well as funds for programs that provide tuition assistance, student loan support, workforce grants, and training. 
  • $67.0 million for nursing home workforce grants and $63.5 million increase for nursing home reimbursement rates to assist with better paying jobs to retain more staff, meaning an additional higher quality of care in facilities across the state.  
  • $60.0 million for grants to community centers to bolster our community centers that support and provide adequate resources to our constituents each day.  
  • $10.8 million for community violence intervention initiatives and grants to help to curb gun violence by boosting community-based organizations working to reduce gun violence in our communities.  

>>You can read more about this supplemental spending bill here

Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Protections  

I proudly voted in favor of Senate Bill 4, a bill that expands the 1973 Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) to protect against discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation. Specifically, the bill would make it illegal to fire, evict, or otherwise discriminate against an individual because they are a member of the LGBTQ community. This is the first time a bill enacting these protections in Michigan has passed in either chamber of the legislature.  

This legislation is monumental. Adding protections for the LGBTQ community is not only a victory for civil rights in Michigan, but also important for businesses. This will better allow them the ability to attract and retain talent for their workforces. As Gov. Whitmer said, and we continue to emphasize, bigotry is bad for business. Moreover, bigotry is bad for Michigan. Every individual living in this state deserves to be treated with dignity and respect under the law, and I look forward to Gov. Whitmer signing SB 4.  


CROWN Act Re-Introduction 

I re-introduced the CROWN Act in late February and held a subsequent press conference to discuss its importance. I was joined by State Sen. Erika Geiss, State Sen. Sylvia Santana, State Rep. Stephanie Young, Cameo King, and LAFCU Chief Diversity Officer Ellsworth Etchison.   

CROWN, which stands for “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair,” would prohibit race-based hair discrimination or the denial of employment and educational opportunities because of hair texture or protective hairstyles. This bill has been referred to the Senate Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety where it will receive a hearing in the coming months.


Coffee Hour with Sen. Anthony and State Rep. Kara Hope 

On Monday, please join Rep. Hope and me for a Coffee and Conversation event.  

WHEN: Monday, March 20, 2023 at 4 pm 
WHERE: Coffee Barrel, 2237 Aurelius Rd, Holt, MI 48842 

Join for a brief legislative update, conversation, and some great coffee! You find more information on my Facebook page and can RSVP by emailing