Budget highlights include record school funding, community college access for all students, significant funding for local communities and efforts to lower costs for state residents  
LANSING, Mich. (May 15, 2024) – Today, the Michigan Senate Democratic Majority passed its “Building Up Michigan” state budget for 2025 that continues the transformative investments of the previous year and takes an innovative approach to tackling the pressing needs of all Michiganders. With the first majority in four decades, Senate Democrats are again seizing the opportunity to change the way the state budget works — and expanding the good that it can do for everyone in the state, from kids to seniors, small businesses and local communities. 
I am extremely proud to have passed this budget that truly builds up the people of Michigan. This budget builds on the strong foundation we began in the last fiscal year and adds innovative proposals that address the complex challenges facing the hardworking people of Michigan,” said Senate Appropriations Chair Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing). “This budget reaffirms our guiding principles of equity, innovation, intentionality, and fiscal responsibility, building upon the foundation we set in our 2024 budget. I appreciate the dedication of all the chairs of the appropriations subcommittees and commend my colleagues for their hard work today and throughout this entire process.” 
Senate Democrats are building up Michigan’s future by offering another record-setting recommendation for the 2025 School Aid budget. The Senate’s budget proposal includes a 3.1% increase in per-pupil funding, bringing the proposed foundation allowance to $9,910 per pupil — the highest level in state history. The 2025 budget recommendation continues to make major increases in funding for at-risk students and English-language learners and also invests approximately $75 million to continue the student-loan stipend program for Michigan teachers and $26 million for a teacher leadership development pilot program. 
“Last year’s School Aid Budget was the most progressive education budget our state had ever seen, and this year, we’re continuing to build on our commitment to providing all Michigan students with an excellent education,” said Sen. Darrin Camilleri (D-Trenton), chair of the Senate Appropriations Pre-K-12 Subcommittee. “Our School Aid Budget puts educators and students first, it includes their input gained through dialogue, and it ultimately ensures all Michigan students have the support they need to learn and grow.” 
The Senate Democratic Majority’s budget proposal is “building up Michigan” in many other ways, investing millions of dollars to improve every facet of the state’s future, including: 
  • Building up Michigan’s kids in every way by making significant investments in maternal and infant health and child care; 
  • Building up Michigan’s students and workers, their skills and their opportunities for a better life through community college for all, the “College Awaits” program, targeted training and work supports like Michigan Reconnect, and support for small business owners, farmers and entrepreneurs; 
  • Building up the places we call home, rejuvenating and reenvisioning state funding for local communities — including funding for ~1,200 communities currently left out of the revenue sharing formula — to strengthen public safety and improve our quality of life; 
  • Building up Michiganders’ savings and helping lower costs, from expanded preschool and lowered housing costs to efforts to rein in predatory payday lending and high auto insurance rates; and 
  • Literally building up Michigan, making significant investments to build more housing and fix our roads, bridges, and water infrastructure. 
“The budget is one of the most important and impactful tools we have as lawmakers to directly serve all communities across our state,” said Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks (D-Grand Rapids). “Our focus remains fixed on the people of Michigan and their needs, and we are committed to building up our state through intentional, meaningful investments. When we work together, we can accomplish great things for Michiganders.” 
Paired with last year’s transformative investments, the Senate Democrats’ 2025 budget proposal is a blueprint for building a better future in Michigan. The 2024 budget was transformative and laid a tremendous foundation that the Senate Majority is building on this year and in the years to come, and it will remain a priority to enable all Michiganders to reach new heights as the budget process continues. 