Under the leadership of Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Sarah Anthony, Senate Democrats use the budget process to uplift all residents 

LANSING, Mich. (June 27, 2024) — Today, Senate Democrats successfully passed its second state budget under the historic Democratic trifecta. The Fiscal Year 2025 State Budget builds on last year’s transformative budget by continuing to invest in children and families, students and workers, public safety, community development, and more.

Senate Democrats see the state budget as both a values statement and a financial plan. The cornerstones of the 2025 budget — transformational, innovative, equitable, and intentional — reflect the priorities established by Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing) and her Senate Democratic colleagues last year.

“Today marks a significant milestone as we pass the FY 2025 State Budget, reaffirming our commitment to building up Michigan,” said Senate Appropriations Chairwoman 

Anthony. “This budget is more than numbers on a page — it’s a strategic investment in our state, communities, and residents. We’ve transformed once-in-a-generation investments into our annual priorities, creating a moral document that truly provides ongoing support for the people of Michigan and builds them up.

“Today, we passed a historic, balanced state budget that truly serves and uplifts Michigan families, students, schools, workers, and communities,” said Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks (D-Grand Rapids). “By placing the hardworking people of our state at the forefront of our budget negotiations, we are building up a Michigan where everyone has an equitable opportunity to succeed.”

Building Up Michigan Kids and Families 

From maternal and infant health and child care to historic funding for students, schools and teachers, Senate Democrats are building up Michigan’s future by making significant investments in kids and families. The budget continues to provide free school meals for all kids. It also allocates more resources to the students and schools that need them most, including significant funding for small, isolated districts, at-risk students, bilingual education, Early On programs, and career and technical education.

The budget recognizes and supports the critical role of teachers by investing in a student loan stipend program established last year, helping to retain current teachers and attract new ones to the profession. Funding is also included for maternal and infant health services, doula training and continuing education, and improved Medicaid rates and investments to help lower child care costs and support child care workers.

Building Up Michigan’s Housing and Infrastructure  

The budget prioritizes addressing Michigan’s housing shortage and lowering high costs, with funds allocated for creating and refurbishing homes. This will make housing more affordable and accessible, while also increasing the overall housing stock in the state. Senate Democrats are also taking concrete steps to reduce homelessness and making significant investments in the construction and repair of state and local roads, bridges, and water infrastructure—replacing lead pipes and restoring wastewater treatment facilities throughout the state.

Building Up Michigan Students and Workers 

Senate Democrats are building up Michigan’s students and workers through free community college and targeted training and support. The 2025 state budget expands access to free community college for students statewide with the Community College Guarantee and continues support for Michigan Reconnect with $52 million, enabling workers to return to school for degrees or skilled trade certifications. Additionally, the funding in this budget will create more opportunities for veterans, returning citizens, business owners of color, farmers, and others.

Building Up Michigan Communities and Bolstering Public Safety  

Democrats are building up communities by rejuvenating and reimagining state funding to enhance public safety and improve quality of life. This includes a significant investment in an innovative approach to state funding for local communities, increasing access to reliable and responsive police and fire services, quality parks and recreation opportunities, and quality local water, sewer, and trash services.

Around 1,200 more communities across the state will now receive state funding for local services. Additionally, $75 million annually will be allocated to a Public Safety Trust Fund to help curb crime and keep communities safe.

Michigan Democrats have diligently crafted a budget that strengthens our state and supports every resident. The Senate Democratic Majority remains committed to championing the needs of Michiganders in our ongoing efforts to build a better Michigan for all.
