LANSING, Mich. (Sept. 12, 2024) — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed legislation from Sen. Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing) recently to build upon the ongoing success of our state’s Promise Zones. Now law, Senate Bill 555 ensures Promise Zone board members live within or near the zone and allows funding for success programs that boost student degree or certificate attainment to help students enter the workforce.

“In 2009, Michigan made history by establishing the nation’s first Promise Zone in Kalamazoo. To this day, we remain the only state actively promoting and expanding such a program,” said Sen. Anthony. “Through this new expansion of Michigan’s Promise Zone Act, we are creating even more opportunities for Michigan students and expanding the positive impact Promise Zones will have across the state,” said Sen. Anthony

Senate Bill 350, which updates the Michigan Promise Zone Act to cover the cost of on-campus room and board at colleges and universities, was signed alongside Sen. Anthony’s SB 555. These two bills will modernize and expand the state’s Promise Zone Authority Act, helping students with more of their living expenses while they pursue their education.
Promise Zones are public-private partnerships led by Promise Zone Authorities. They are composed of local public officials and private sector leaders in their respective areas to create community-based universal scholarship programs that raise educational attainment levels and promote economic development.
You can learn more about Promise Zones and how they operate here