LANSING, Mich. (June 26, 2024) Today, the Michigan House of Representatives passed Senate Bills 350 and 555, introduced by Sen. Rosemary Bayer (D-West Bloomfield) and Sen. Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing) respectively, that will modernize and expand the state’s Promise Zone Authority Act.  The bills allow for financial aid to be used for students’ housing expenses and clarifies eligibility for Promise Zone boards.

Promise Zones are public-private partnerships led by Promise Zone Authorities composed of local public officials and private sector leaders in their respective areas to create community-based universal scholarship programs that raise educational attainment levels and promote economic development.

Senate Bill 350, sponsored by Sen. Bayer, modifies the Michigan Promise Zone Act to include expenses for on-campus room and board at educational institutions.

“These bills represent a significant step forward in our efforts to make higher education more accessible and affordable for all Michigan residents,” Sen. Bayer said. “By addressing housing expenses and ensuring local representation in Promise Zones, we are strengthening the foundation for a brighter future for our students and communities.” 

Senate Bill 555, sponsored by Sen. Anthony, clarifies membership eligibility on any Promise Zone board to ensure members of each Promise Zone live in the Promise Zone area or close to the zone.

“Today’s passage of these bills is a testament to the power of collaboration and commitment to our state’s educational and economic growth,” said Sen. Anthony. “We are building upon the momentum of our Promise Zones and continuing to provide essential support for students to foster a more inclusive, prosperous Michigan.”

These two bills are supported by various stakeholders, including the Michigan College Access Network, the Detroit Regional Chamber and current Promise Zone authorities from across the state.

You can learn more here about Promise Zones and how they operate.
