August 5, 2021
I hope you and your families are enjoying a wonderful summer. Please continue to take precautions and stay healthy as the Delta variant of COVID-19 becomes more prevalent throughout our country. Thank you to all who have already received the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccination, and I urge those who have not to consider doing so. Visit Vaccines.gov to find a vaccine location near you.
Included in this newsletter are details about some community meet-up events, an update on voter suppression efforts, information on legislation I’ve been working on, how to stay safe as the Delta variant of COVID-19 continues to spread, resources for pandemic unemployment assistance, an announcement regarding a national security alert test, and helpful information on rental support.
As always, if my office can be of assistance to you or your family, please call me at 517-373-2417 or email me at SenRBayer@senate.michigan.gov.
Be well,

Rosemary Bayer
State Senator
12th District
Coffee & Conversation with Sen. Bayer & Rep. Brenda Carter
WHEN: Friday, Aug. 6 from Noon to 1 p.m.
WHERE: Hawthorne Park, 1400 Telegraph Road, Pontiac, MI 48340
>> RSVP to the Facebook event.
Senior Summit Town Hall with Sen. Bayer & Rep. Kyra Bolden
with Special Guests Dana Nessel and Oakland City Treasurer Robert Wittenberg
WHEN: Tuesday, Aug. 24 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
WHERE: Beverly Hill Village Park, 18801 Beverly Road, Beverly Hills, MI, 48025
>> RSVP to the Facebook event.
Coffee, Computers and Conversation on Facebook Live!
WHEN: Monday, Aug. 30 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Sen. Bayer’s Facebook Page
>> RSVP to the Facebook event.
Making it more difficult for voters to cast their vote is not what this country needs, and yet, legislation has been introduced in the Michigan Senate by my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to do just that. While I and my Senate Democratic colleagues continue to fight any efforts to suppress your voice, you should also be aware of how your rights will be affected should these bills pass.
The legislation at hand — which you can read more about here — would make it especially difficult for immigrants, people of color, the disabled, and seniors to vote by impeding accessibility, especially through safe and secure absentee ballots.
It is crucial we all come together on this matter. Voting is a constitutional right, and no politician should be trying to create parameters of how, when, and where you can vote. Change can only be enacted by voters and your voice matters!
I am continually working on legislation with colleagues on both sides of the aisle. Throughout the 2019-2020 session, I sponsored or co-sponsored 408 resolutions and bills. During our current legislative session, I have sponsored or co-sponsored 103 resolutions and bills to-date.
Most recently, I co-sponsored a resolution (Senate Resolution 77) that addresses our aging infrastructure and calls on Congress to create a National Infrastructure Bank. I also introduced Senate Bill 593 to allow local municipalities to create stormwater utilities, and co-sponsored Senate Resolution 72, calling on the governor to establish a statewide goal of conserving 30% of our land and water by 2030.
If you ever have a legislative idea, please feel free to email me at SenRBayer@senate.michigan.gov or call my office at 517-373-2417. I would like to hear your thoughts and proposals!
My team and I have been out in the community knocking on doors all summer long, because I believe one of the best ways to connect with residents is to meet with them where they’re at! Our goal was to knock doors at 10,000 households, and I’m very pleased to announce that we will meet and exceed that goal THIS WEEK!
Of course, we will continue to knock through the summer. I love talking with, and listening to, my community. If we don’t get to your door and you’d like to talk to me, please call or email my office.
As cases begin to rise once again, it is important to be aware of evolving CDC guidelines regarding best practices for health and safety. Recently, the CDC said individuals who are fully vaccinated should still wear a mask indoors if in heavily trafficked areas where substantial or high transmission rates can occur. Masks should also continue to be worn where required by laws, rules, regulations, or local guidance.
If you have not yet been fully vaccinated, click here to locate a vaccine location near you. If you need help finding a vaccine in Oakland County, please go to oaklandcountyvaccine.com/appointments. If you are an Oakland County homebound resident, visit the link above or call 248-629-0448. It is important that we vaccinate to protect ourselves and each other from the COVID-19 virus and Delta variant.
You may also call (800) 232-0233 or text your ZIP code to 438829 to find locations. For more information, please visit the CDC website.
The Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) has begun to notify claimants who are no longer eligible to receive Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) benefits that overpayments will be waived.
In June, claimants were asked to requalify for PUA by providing the agency with the necessary information to remain eligible for the federal program. Unfortunately, four PUA COVID-19 eligibility reasons included at the beginning of the pandemic were later found by the U.S. Department of Labor to be non-qualifying. Under federal law, UIA had to re-evaluate PUA eligibility for individuals who selected one of the non-qualifying reasons.
Of the roughly 690,000 claimants that were asked to requalify, about 241,000 responded to the UIA’s request. Waivers will be granted to the initial group of approximately 350,000 non-responses, many of whom may no longer be collecting benefits. Affected claimants will receive notification in their MiWAM account, or by U.S. mail.
Claimants can visit Michigan.gov/UIA to access their MiWAM account to chat with an agent. They can also contact the UIA by phone at 866-500-0017 or schedule a telephone, virtual, or in-person appointment.
FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission, will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) on Wednesday, Aug. 11 between 2:20 and 2:50 PM.
The national test will consist of two portions, testing WEA and EAS capabilities. The WEA portion of the test will be directed only to consumer cell phones where the subscriber has opted-in to receive test messages. If you have not opted in, you will NOT receive the test. This a test of the infrastructure itself and not the phones, so there is no obligation for you to opt-in to receiving alert messages.
Visit FEMA.gov for more information.
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is issuing warning signs of rental scams and a reminder that it’s important to remember that bad actors are always looking for opportunities to scam people currently searching for a place to live.
Nessel’s new Rental Listing Scams Consumer Alert explains ways bad actors will promote a property that isn’t a legitimate listing in an effort to cheat an interested renter out of money. Fraudulent rental listings typically happen in two ways:
- Hijacked Ads – Some scammers may copy a listing from a legitimate real estate listing and place it on a different website. It all looks legitimate, but in reality, the bad actor is promoting a property they’re not affiliated with.
- Phantom Rentals – Other scammers may actually make up a listing in an effort to cheat an unsuspecting renter out of money. These will often offer rent that is far lower than other listings in the area.
More tips on how to avoid a rental listing scam can be found in the consumer alert. Consumer complaints can be filed online at the Attorney General’s website, or by calling 877-765-8388.
In addition, if you’re looking for help with housing costs, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has put together a new lookup tool that can be found online at consumerfinance.gov/renthelp. There is money available from state and local organizations that are distributing federal rental assistance dollars to help property owners and renters struggling to keep up with rent and other bills.