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Dear Neighbor,     

This week marks the end of July and the beginning of August, so it’s time to get outdoors and enjoy the last few weeks of summer before the back-to-school season is in full swing!  

Last week, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer put her stamp of approval on the Fiscal Year 2025 state budget, delivering historic investments to build up Michigan’s schools, families, workers, businesses, and so much more. Read on to learn more about the budget, along with updates about our progress in Lansing and District 4.     

If you or someone you know would like to provide any feedback about what’s happening in Lansing, or needs assistance of any sort, please feel free to reach out to my office. You can contact me by sending an email to or calling 517-373-7918.         

In Solidarity,   

Sen Camilleri Signature

Darrin Camilleri
State Senator
District 4


In Recent News    

Sen. Camilleri Joins Romulus, Brownstown Township Elected Officials & Residents to Celebrate $10.5 Million in State Funding for Special Community Projects    

The other week, I gathered with residents and elected officials in Romulus and Brownstown Township to celebrate approximately $10.5 million secured in the 2025 state budget for special community projects in both municipalities.  

The senator joined Romulus Mayor Robert McCraight, residents and other elected officials on Tuesday, July 23 in Romulus to celebrate $7 million in state funds designated to help improve local roads and infrastructure across the city.  

Romulus plays such a crucial role logistically in putting our region and our state in motion that its roads, bridges and other infrastructure take a beating in doing so. This $7 million will ensure Romulus’ roads and infrastructure are first-class for businesses to continue to thrive, but more importantly for the residents who call those streets home. 

Sen Camileri speaking to constituents

In Brownstown Township on Monday, July 22, I joined Township Supervisor Ed Smith, township board of trustees, and numerous Brownstown Township residents to celebrate the $1.5 million earmarked to help renovate the township hall building, and $2 million slated for maintenance on the Leland Street Bridge.   

My job as a state senator is to fight for you in Lansing and that includes doing my part to fight for the projects and programs that improve our communities and make them great places to call home and do business. This funding will help Brownstown Township with crucial maintenance costs and noticeable improvements for the residents to enjoy. 

Pop-Up Constituent Services

I am proud to have helped secure more than $20 million in funding in the 2025 state budget specifically for special projects across Downriver and Western Wayne County.  

Led by Democratic majorities, the Michigan State Senate and House of Representatives passed the 2025 state budget in late June, building upon the same cornerstone values of last year: transformational, innovative, equitable and intentional. 

Legislative Updates   

Signed into Law: State Budget Dedicated to Building Up Michigan  

Last year marked a significant milestone for Michigan Democrats as we capitalized on their first trifecta in 40 years to spearhead a transformative budget — directing vital resources into historically neglected sectors like infrastructure, education, and local communities.     

Last week, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer officially signed the Fiscal Year 2025 state budget into law, building on last year’s transformative budget by continuing to invest in children and families, students and workers, public safety, community development, and more.    

This Democratic majority views the state budget as both a values statement and a financial plan. Our cornerstones for the 2025 budget — transformational, innovative, equitable, and intentional — reflect the priorities established last year.    

Read more here 


Back-to-School Budget Signed 

Last Tuesday, I joined alongside Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in Flint as she put her stamp of approval on the K-12 budget for the 2024-25 school year. This budget continues putting Michigan students and educators first and foremost, helping to set our kids up for futures full of success and opportunity.   

Last year, our Democratic majority began the popular free breakfast and lunch program for all Michigan public school students — and in this year’s budget, we continued this critical program to ensure that Michigan’s 1.4 million public school students are well-fed and able to focus on learning. More information about the free breakfast and lunch program can be found here. 

Our education budget also implements the state’s first-ever “Opportunity Index” equity funding formula that strategically invests more dollars into districts based on their concentration of poverty, prioritizing students and schools with the highest level of need.    

We also delivered on the promise of two years of free community college for high school graduates, helping improve access to higher education and better paying jobs. This ensures that every Michigan high school graduate, beginning this year, can obtain an associate degree or skilled certificate tuition-free, saving over 18,000 students up to $4,820 annually.   

Michigan Senate Democrats remain committed to meeting the needs and interests of students, educators, and families in every corner of our state, and we look forward to another school year full of learning, growth, and opportunity for our kids. 



Free Summer Meals for Students 

It can be a challenge for families to keep food on the table while school is out for the summer. One in six kids in Michigan face food insecurity, and more than 850,000 Michigan children rely on free public school lunches. That’s why organizations and local school districts are working with Meet Up and Eat Up and providing those ages 18 and under with delicious, nutritious meals.   

All summer long, children 18 and under can eat healthy, satisfying meals in their own communities at no cost. No application forms required, no registration needed, and no proof of residency asked for — just show up and enjoy a meal! All meals must be eaten at the site. Visit the interactive map for locations near you. You can also text “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 304-304 to find free meals in your neighborhood.