Dear Neighbors,

I am proud of the work Team Chang did in 2019. We passed several bills, have others making their way through the legislative process, held numerous events, and helped solve problems for hundreds of residents in District 1. ‘Getting Things Done’ is more than our slogan — it is what we do every day at the Capitol and in the district. I am honored to serve as your State Senator and hope you will stay in touch with me and my team about your ideas, questions, and concerns.

If you ever need assistance, feel free to contact my office. Here’s how:

Lansing Office: (517) 373-7346 or
toll-free at (855) DIST001 (855-347-8001)
District Office: (313) 922-6949

Chang Stephanie Signature

Developments Around the District

Gordie Howe International Bridge

Since I first began serving in public office, I have worked hard alongside resident leaders to advocate for community benefits for the Gordie Howe International Bridge. It has been a long journey for the Delray and Southwest Detroit communities, where residents have been fighting for more than 15 years for basic quality of life protections and enhancements near the bridge. I am excited that the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority committed this summer to home repair funding for Delray residents; support for community organizations in Delray and Southwest Detroit serving children, families and small business owners; workforce training and readiness; a grant program for community initiatives; local street enhancements; improvements to parks and connectivity; and much more. These build on the already-delivered programs that are providing families options for renovated homes, long-term health and air studies, and investment in jobs training. I look forward to continuing the work with all stakeholders involved to ensure these community benefits initiatives are implemented successfully

With that said, the construction project has started affecting traffic in and around Southwest Detroit. For the latest, we encourage you to visit their website to get the most up-to- date information at

Bringing Funding to Senate District 1

I’m proud to have worked with Rep. Darrin Camilleri (D-Brownstown) and Sen. Curtis Hertel, Jr. (D-Lansing) to have successfully secured $12 million in the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) budget to construct a bridge over the Van Horn and Allen Road railroad crossing in Woodhaven. We are working to secure the remainder of the funding needed.

Downriver rail crossings have been a decades-long problem for residents, blocking traffic and obstructing emergency services for hours at a time as trains crawl across the tracks. When complete, this bridge will ensure greater access to the region’s only Trauma II hospital, and greatly improve the commutes and lives of Downriver residents.

Three of my bills were signed into law in 2019!

PA 115 of 2019 (originally Senate Bill 257):
Domestic Violence. Helps to hold repeat domestic abusers more accountable, by requiring deferred domestic violence charges to count as prior convictions in subsequent cases.

PA 25 of 2019 (originally Senate Bill 239):
Mortuary Science Students. Allows students to engage in the practice of mortuary science under the supervision of a licensee by fixing a problem in the law regarding embalming.

PA 110 of 2019 (originally Senate Bill 93):
Raise the Age. My bill was part of a larger package that I have been a part of for five years, to end the dated practice of trying 17-year-olds as adults for most nonviolent crimes. Specifically, this bill modifies the age of juvenile jurisdiction in the Youth Rehabilitation Services Act, and it will take effect Oct. 1, 2021.

I have other bills that are making their way through the legislature:

Senate Bill 73

Confidential Addresses for Domestic Violence Survivors

This bill allows for a driver’s license to be issued with a designated address to ensure protection for domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault victims and within a Confidentiality Program.

Status: These bills were passed through the Senate and are awaiting a vote in the House Judiciary Committee.

Senate Bill 582

Asbestos Abatement Transparency and Accountability

This bill requires the disclosure of environmental violations for public contracts for asbestos abatement projects. I helped lead a bipartisan, bicameral bill package that will bring about greater transparency and accountability for asbestos abatement contracting with local governments. With demolitions and asbestos abatement happening in our district and around our state, we need to ensure protections for public health.
Status: Awaiting further action in the Senate Environmental Quality Committee

I also recently introduced legislation that you may be interested in:

Senate Bill 277

Forensic Science Commission

This bill is part of a bipartisan package that will create a state Forensic Science Commission which will examine, analyze and investigate the ever-changing practice of forensic science. Remedying and preventing wrongful convictions has long been a passion of mine, and this commission will help encourage best practices in our crime labs and courts, and ultimately save taxpayers millions of dollars.

Senate Bill 308


This bill will repeal the antiquated prohibition on an unmarried man and unmarried woman living together. Michigan is one of only three states that still has this type of law on the books. A local attorney and a local accountant pointed out this issue, which causes a disparity in tax treatment under IRS policy. Bringing Michigan in line with federal tax code and the law in other states is efficient and the right thing to do.