LANSING, Mich. (June 14, 2023) — Sen. Stephanie Chang (D-Detroit) issued the following statement on the Hamtramck City Council unfortunatelyand unanimously—voted last night on a resolution prohibiting Pride and other flags from being flown on city government buildings and city property. 


“To Hamtramck LGBTQ+ community members and their families—please know that you have many allies throughout the city and state, and that includes me as your state senator. You are loved, you are welcome, and you are valued. Hamtramck has had a long history of being a place of hope and opportunity for people of all backgrounds, including those who have come to our nation fleeing war and poverty. Hamtramck residents of diverse backgrounds have lived side by side providing support and community to one another. During this time when hate crimes and attacks on LGBTQ+ folks are on the rise, it is critical that we build communities where every person’s humanity is respected and where we provide an environment where every person can be their authentic self and not be afraid to come out and be who they truly are.  


Michigan recently expanded our civil rights law to protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. We are working to ban conversion therapy and strengthen protections against hate crimes. For LGBTQ+ residents in Hamtramck and around Michigan, your state leaders see you and hear you. I would hope that all of us can continue to move Hamtramck forward in a positive direction toward equality and freedom, not move backward toward division and fear. I urge Hamtramck community organizations and leaders to continue to show their support to the LGBTQ+ community. I am proud to be an ally to the LGBTQ+ community and will always proudly display a Pride flag in my office.” 

