Dear Neighbor,
The holiday season is officially upon us! I hope you’re able to enjoy time taking part in all of the winter festivities with family and friends as we celebrate the many things we have to be thankful for. Looking back on my first year in the Michigan Senate, I know every day that I am grateful for the ability to represent you and our community’s interests in Lansing.
From the very start of this legislative session, we hit the ground running and worked diligently to pass legislation that would not only address longstanding issues but set our state on a path for future growth. From lowering costs for Michigan seniors and investing in water infrastructure to ensuring our students have the resources they need to thrive — the Michigan Senate has been busy delivering real solutions to the problems facing Michiganders.
In this newsletter, I’m excited to highlight a few of my legislative accomplishments from this year. Also, with this being one of my last newsletters before the holidays, I want to take a moment to share a few community resources you may find helpful.
As always, I’d love to hear from you about the topics you’re interested in. Please feel free to reach out to my office to share your perspective or seek assistance with any challenges you may be facing with state departments — we are here to serve you. You can reach my office by calling (517) 373-7315 or emailing
Thank you again for taking the time to read this newsletter — I hope to hear from you soon.

Kevin Hertel
State Senator
District 12
Included in This Newsletter
- Bolstering Public Safety
- Legislative Year in Review
- Holiday Resources
- Upcoming Events
- Contact Us
Bolstering Public Safety

On Monday, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced six new arrests in connection to the thefts that have been targeting homes and businesses throughout Michigan, including in the Grosse Pointes here in Senate District 12.
To everyone who played a role in apprehending these individuals — thank you. The work of highly specialized task forces such as the Organized Retail Crime Unit underscores the need for our law enforcement officers to have a partner in the State Legislature who is ready and willing to ensure they have every tool at their disposal to combat crime in our communities.
In my role as Chair of the State Police Appropriations Subcommittee this year, I advocated for funding that allows us to take a solutions-oriented approach to public safety — including through the recruitment and retaining of police officers and supporting community-based organizations already working to reduce violent incidents.
As we prepare to craft the budget for the next fiscal year, I look forward to continuing to work with our partners in law enforcement to keep our communities safe in the new year.
View my remarks here, or watch the full press conference here.
Legislative Year in Review
Throughout this year, I met with countless constituents, local leaders, community organizations and other stakeholders to learn more about the issues facing our lakeshore district. These conversations held over coffee, at town halls, during city meetings and at community events shaped the legislation my team and I worked on in Lansing.
This session, I introduced 33 bills and have had 8 signed into law thus far. I was also proud to support the work of my colleagues to co-sponsor and vote for many other pieces of impactful legislation.
Below you’ll find my top five pieces of legislation I introduced this term. For more information about the other bills I’ve sponsored, click here.
Repealing the Retirement Tax

In 2011, Michigan seniors had the rug pulled out from under them when Gov. Snyder signed legislation to establish a retirement tax. As a result, thousands of seniors who worked their entire lives on the promise of a set amount of money for retirement were subjected to policies that lowered their already limited incomes.
To finally provide financial relief and keep our promise to retirees, I introduced the very first bill of this legislative term, Senate Bill 1 to repeal the retirement tax. Over the next four years, the retirement tax will be phased out, helping retirees save an average of $1,000 annually. More information on the implementation of this bill can be found at
Codifying the Affordable Care Act into Law

The Affordable Care Act was a game-changer for Michigan’s health — helping expand access, improve quality and enhance affordability. The ACA also ensured that insurance providers could not discriminate against or raise premiums on individuals with pre-existing conditions.
As Chair of the Senate Health Policy Committee, I am laser-focused on passing legislation to expand access to quality healthcare, lower the cost of prescription drugs and improve health outcomes for Michiganders. Since the federal law has faced court challenges in recent years, I lead a bill package — Senate Bills 356–358 — to enshrine the most popular provisions of the Affordable Care Act in state law. These bills were signed in October, marking an important step toward building a more accessible, equitable and affordable healthcare system.
In the new year, I look forward to continuing this work and getting Senate Bills 633–638 across the finish line. These bills would transition our state away from the federal health insurance exchange to a Michigan-based exchange to further lower costs and increase the number of Michiganders with health insurance.
Expanding Protections for Living Organ Donors

In 2019, Dave Galbenski — a resident of Grosse Pointe Shores — received a living-liver transplant from his brother-in-law, Mark, just a few years after being diagnosed with a rare autoimmune liver disease. Since then, Dave and Mark have made full recoveries — and Dave started the Living Liver Foundation to help create awareness about living organ donation.
Dave then reached out to me to discuss ways the Legislature can increase support for living organ donors as Michigan had then received an F on the American Kidney Fund’s Living Donor Protection Report Card. Together, we crafted Senate Bill 384 which provides protections for living donors — ensuring they do not face discrimination when seeking life, disability or long-term care insurance.
Its signing marks an important step forward on the path to reducing barriers for donors and expanding the donor list so more Michiganders can have a second chance at life.
Keeping Michigan Drivers Safe
Too many Michiganders have been injured or lost their lives because of a distracted driver. To help keep our roads safe for Michiganders driving to work, school or anywhere in-between, I joined a bipartisan group of colleagues to update our distracted driving laws.
Before, texting while driving was a ticketable offense, but things like scrolling social media or taking a video were not. Senate Bills 239–241 made a much-needed update to our laws to ensure Michigan is truly a hands-free state and encourage people to focus on the most important task on the road: driving safely.
These bills were signed into law and took effect on June 30. For more information on this legislation and the penalties associated, visit the Michigan State Police Office of Highway Safety website at
Helping Lab-Tested Animals Find Forever Homes

When footage of 32 dogs being used for experiments in a West Michigan lab went viral, a local St. Clair Shores couple stepped up to rescue one of the beagles — Teddy. Shortly after, I had the pleasure of meeting Teddy and seeing him settle into a new life full of treats and green grass to run on. Knowing that every dog and cat should have a chance at a happy life, I introduced legislation known as Teddy’s Law while serving in the Michigan House.
Teddy’s Law would require that cats and dogs used in animal testing are offered for adoption rather than being euthanized following their time in the lab. While we were not able to pass it back in 2019, I re-introduced it in the Senate this year where it was finally passed and signed into law! Thanks to the advocacy of Teddy’s owners — Dave and Greta — and many other supporters here in Michigan, thousands of dogs and cats now have a new pathway to finding their forever homes.
Read more about this legislation in the Macomb Daily here.
Holiday Resources

For community members struggling to make ends meet, the holiday season can be especially tough. Thankfully, there are several organizations throughout District 12 that are available to provide resources to individuals and families in need during the upcoming holiday season.
Free Christmas Dinner — Bernadette’s Faith in Action
Bernadette’s Faith in Action is providing free a free to community members on Christmas. Please pre-register here. For more information, call (586) 623-9371.
WHEN: Monday, December 25 from 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: Bernadette’s Faith in Action, 20880 10 Mile Road, Saint Clair Shores, MI 48050
Christmas Assistance — Mount Clemens Salvation Army
The Mount Clemens Salvation Army hosts a Christmas assistance program to provide coats and toys to underserved children. Last year they served 200 families. They are now in their application process — parents and guardians must call (586) 469-6712 and speak to Lacretia Peak for more information.
To locate additional resources that best suit your current needs, call Michigan United Way at 2-1-1 or visit
Upcoming Events
It is one of my top goals as your State Senator to have myself and my office be as accessible to you as possible. To share your thoughts on legislation or seek assistance with an issue, please join me at one of our upcoming district events:
Coffee and Conversation
WHEN: Friday, January 19 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
WHERE: District Office, 28800 Harper, Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081
Small Business Town Hall
WHEN: Monday, January 29 from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (doors open at 10:00 a.m.)
WHERE: Clay Township Municipal Building, 4710 Pointe Tremble, Clay Township, MI 48001
Join us in Clay Township for a Small Business Town Hall to learn about opportunities for small business owners and budding entrepreneurs in our area. Guest speakers include representatives from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, U.S. Small Business Administration and Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses.
District Office Hours with Staff
WHEN: Every Thursday from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and by appointment
WHERE: District Office, 28800 Harper, Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081
If You Need Help: If you have a problem dealing with any department of state government, such as accessing unemployment benefits, my office is available to help resolve it. While we usually cannot assist with local or federal issues, we will always do our best to help direct you to the appropriate person or organization for help.
You may always feel free to call my office at (517) 373-7315 or email me at
Keep Up to Date: Our bi-weekly newsletters are full of updates on what Team Hertel has been working on both in Lansing and District 12 to deliver results for Michiganders. To keep up to date with what we’ve been up to — sign up here to receive my bi-weekly newsletter, or access previous editions online here.