GROSSE POINTE WOODS, Mich. (June 6, 2024) — Today, Sen. Kevin Hertel (D-St. Clair Shores) met with the Grosse Pointe North High School’s chapter of Students Demand Action to listen to their experiences, talk about the importance of civic engagement from young people, and discuss solutions to Michigan’s gun violence crisis — including the measures the Michigan Legislature has passed thus far during the 2023-2024 session. After the meeting, Sen. Hertel issued the following statement:

“Today’s students have grown up in the ‘school shooting generation’ — never knowing a reality without active shooter drills. Despite having the threat of gun violence be ever present in their lives, we have seen young people in recent years stand up and demand action from those in power. Rejecting the belief that this pain and trauma is normal, these young advocates and their years-long organizing endeavors have been a driving force behind the life-saving laws that recently took effect in our state.

“I was humbled to meet with young advocates from Grosse Pointe North High School today to learn more about their experiences and discuss ways we can work together to build safer communities for all who call our state home. Their dedication, tenacity, and hope — even in the face of inaction from leaders who are supposed to represent their interests and look out for their well-being — is inspiring. I look forward to continuing our partnership as we strive to create a future free from gun violence.”

Sen. Hertel has long been an advocate for common-sense gun violence prevention legislation. In February 2023, following the tragic shooting at Michigan State University that claimed the lives of two young people from his district, Sen. Hertel introduced legislation to close dangerous loopholes and strengthen background checks. Additionally, he voted for evidence-based policies that require the secure storage of firearms, disarm individuals convicted of domestic violence and allow for the temporary removal of firearms from people who pose a significant risk to themselves or others. 
