Dear Neighbor,
I want to make sure you’re informed about what has been going on in our state government and update you on what I’ve been working on.
In this e-news, you can find information about:
- Coffee Hours
- Legislative Updates
- Resources
As always, you can reach my office at (517) 373-2406 or by replying to this email.

Jeff IrwinState SenatorDistrict 15
Coffee Hour with Sen. Irwin
Please join me this Saturday to discuss the issues important to our community. I look forward to also sharing an update on what my colleagues and I have been working on in Lansing.
WHEN: Saturday, May 20, 2023, at 10 am: York, 1928 Packard St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104.
Since it is this week, don’t forget to click on “Going” on the Facebook event page to get a reminder the day before and the day of.
If you have any questions, please contact my office at (517)-373-2406 or by responding to this email.
Legislative Updates PFAS Action
This month I reintroduced Senate Bill 327, a bill that would prohibit the production and sale of food packaging containing PFAS, bisphenols, or phthalates.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of chemicals, nicknamed “forever chemicals” because of how persistent they are in our environment and how they accumulate in the human body. PFAS exposure has been linked to adverse health outcomes in humans including immune suppression, reproductive harm, increased cholesterol, and kidney cancer.
Research shows that food packaging is a major source of exposure, so the passing of this bill is necessary so that Michiganians can be confident that the food we buy has not been contaminated by harmful packaging materials. Holding Insurance Companies Accountable
Far too often, insurers deny coverage that residents have paid for, and policyholders have little to no recourse. My bill, SB 329, would give claimants the right to sue insurers for denying their claim in bad faith. If policyholders can prove that an insurance company denied coverage in bad faith, they would be able to secure compensation. This will protect claimants from insurers intentionally failing to settle a claim or delay payments and will encourage more fair treatment of claimants in our state. Insurers should act fairly when settling claims, and right now there is far too little holding them accountable to do so.
Resources Keep your Medicaid Coverage
Michigan will restart Medicaid eligibility renewals in June and amend certain waived policies that were in place during the pandemic. Monthly renewal notifications will be sent by mail in the beginning of May. You can learn more about the changes here.
To determine if you still qualify:
- Make sure your contact information is up to date
- Check your mail or text messages for a letter
- Complete your renewal form (only if you receive one)
Ways to complete a renewal:
- Complete and return the renewal paper mailed to you.
- Complete on MI Bridges
- Fax your renewal to 1-517-346-9888.
- Call 1-833-599-6444, TTY: 1-866-501-5656 to complete the renewal over the phone for Medicaid/Healthy Michigan Plan programs.
Video resources:
ID Verification – YouTube Check your Tax Refund Status
Check the status of your tax refund online by using information from your tax returns eServices Individual Income Tax ( Great Lakes Water Authority’s Water Assistance Program
The Water Residential Assistance Program (WRAP) aids eligible low-income households manage water bills and water conservation efforts. Learn more about the program, and to find out if you are eligible and reside in a GLWA partnered community here. (YCUA customers are in a GLWA partnered community). Weekly Road Work Schedule
If you want to avoid construction and road closures, you can view current road closures and construction projects by township here. Michigan Achievement Scholarship
The Michigan Achievement Scholarship application has opened for all high school seniors! This scholarship will provide:
- Up to $2,750 if you attend a community college per year
- Up to $5,500 if you attend a public university, per year
- Up to $4,000 if you attend a private college or university, per year
There is no deadline for this scholarship. Students have 15 months from either their high school graduation or high school equivalency completion to enter college and use the funds they are awarded.
High school seniors can get started by following these steps:
- File your FAFSA
- Create a MiSSG Student Portal account three to five business days after filing your FAFSA