Dear Neighbor,
Happy pride month! This June, I want to make sure you’re informed about what has been going on in our state government and update you on what I’ve been working on in Lansing.
In this e-news, you can find information about:
- Upcoming Coffee Hours
- Legislative and Budget Updates
- Resources
As always, you can reach my office at (517) 373-2406 or by replying to this email.

WHEN: Saturday, June 17, at 11 am
WHERE: Ypsilanti District Library, Michigan Avenue, 229 W Michigan Ave, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Please join me this Saturday for a Coffee Hour. These events are a great way to share your questions and ideas with me while also receiving a firsthand update on what my colleagues and I are working on in the Legislature.
Since it is this week, don’t forget to click on “Going” on the Facebook event page to get a reminder the day before and the day of.
If you have any questions, please contact my office at (517)-373-2406 or by responding to this email.
Legislative Updates
Cancer Free Camping
My bill, SB 262, passed the senate unanimously last month, and then was referred to the House Committee of Regulatory Reform. If passed, this bill will eliminate the counterproductive and dated law requiring tents to have cancerous flame retardants.
>>Click here for more information.
Protecting Pumping for Breastfeeding Moms
Senate Bill 351 would protect the public expression of breast milk as a civil right. Pumping is a necessary practice for those nursing, and no individual should be hindered from expressing milk by their workplace or I’m a public place. I believe in providing a safe and open environment for breastfeeding mothers and children.
Clean Energy Bills
Senator Bayer and I introduced Senate Bill 362 and SB 363 that together eliminate the distributed generation cap on rooftop solar panels, the limits on system size, and restore a fair system of compensation for energy sold to the grid. This legislation is critical to allowing residents to invest in clean energy systems, creating jobs and saving money in the long-term.
>>You can learn more about this legislation here.
Source of Income
Senator Cavanah, Senator Bayer and I introduced a package of bills that would help protect equal housing access in our state. Together these bills would amend the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act and the Landlord and Tenants Relationship Act to prohibit landlords from discriminating against a tenant or prospective tenant based on the source of their income.
>>View SB 205 (Cavanagh), SB 206 (Bayer), and my bill SB 207.
Budget Updates
Budget Progress Update
While budget negotiations are still happening, I wanted to give you an update on what I am watching for in the FY 2023-24 budget. You can navigate the senate budget proposals in depth here, the house budget proposals here, and the executive budget proposals here.
In the current budget process, the appropriations subcommittees in both the House and Senate have voted out their own budget versions. Next steps are for joint House and Senate Committees to meet, combine the two versions of each budget, and then present the final budgets to Governor Whitmer.
>>For more information about the budget cycle process click here.
Budget Highlights
Within the K-12 and higher education budgets, we’re anticipating funding for free breakfast and lunch for k-12 students and student aid increases. As chair of the EGLE Appropriations Senate Committee, my colleagues and I have been prioritizing clean drinking water and environmental justice initiatives through funding lead pipe removal in Michigan’s lower income communities as well as dam removal and safety. You can view the Senate EGLE Budget here. Within the Health and Human Services budget, Michigan’s direct care workers are anticipated to get a pay increase as well as long-term care health workers.
Weekly Road Work Schedule
If you want to avoid construction and road closures, you can view current road closures and construction projects by township below:
$10K Electric Vehicle Engineers
There are now $10,000 scholarships for tech students at University of Michigan, Michigan State University, and Michigan Technological University who are interested in working within Michigan’s electric vehicle sector.
Michigan Achievement Scholarship
- Up to $2,750 if you attend a community college per year
- Up to $5,500 if you attend a public university, per year
- Up to $4,000 if you attend a private college or university, per year
There is no deadline for this scholarship. Students have 15 months from either their high school graduation or high school equivalency completion to enter college and use the funds they are awarded.
- File your FAFSA
- Create a MiSSG Student Portal account three to five business days after filing your FAFSA