Dear Neighbor,
As the year draws to a close, I want to make sure you stay informed about what has been going on in our state government and update you on what I’ve been working on.
In this e-news, you can find information about:
- 2023 Legislative Round Up
- District Events
- Resources
As always, you can reach my office at (517) 373-2406 or by replying to this email.
Happy New Year,

Jeff Irwin
State Senator – 15th District
Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
2023 Legislative Roundup
Legislation Signed into Law
This year was busy and productive. Over the course of 2023, we passed legislation on clean energy, gun safety, labor rights and reproductive justice; as well as extended protections for LGBTQ residents in employment, housing and public accommodations. In addition, we passed a budget that provides historic funding for PreK-12 education while making important new investments in child care, college scholarships and road repair. Just from my office, we had 9 bills signed into law this session:
- PA 15 of 2023: Part of a large package that improves firearm safety.
- PA 53 of 2023: Eliminated the state asset test as an additional requirement to qualify for SNAP benefits and goes into effect on February 12, 2023.
- PA 65 of 2023: Improves consent law in Michigan by clarifying that any individual who is incapacitated due to drugs is unable to consent.
- PA 69 of 2023: Ensures that tribal children have equal access to guardianship assistance funds.
- PA 179 of 2023: Enables tribal marijuana businesses to interface with Michigan’s legal marijuana businesses.
- PA 223 of 2023: Makes it legal to sell camping tents without cancerous chemical coatings.
- PA 237 of 2023: Secures Graduates Research Assistants’ right to unionize.
- PA 285 of 2023: Repeals immunity for drug manufacturers, increasing accountability and improving the safety of drugs.
- PA 302 of 2023: Part of a package that eliminates court fees for juvenile offenders.
3 Bills that Passed the Senate
- SB 207 of 2023: Would eliminate source-of-income discrimination in Michigan.
- SB 351 of 2023: Would protect pumping breastmilk as a civil right in the same way we protect breastfeeding.
- SB 450 of 2023: Part of a bipartisan package that would ensure Medicaid recipients with complex medical rehabilitation equipment have those needs met.
District Events
Event Calendar
For a refresher on snow removal policies, click here.
Event Calendar
For a refresher on snow removal policies, click here.
For local December events and activities, visit this site.
For a refresher on snow removal policies, click here.
Ann Arbor
For winter reminders, holiday trash and compost collection schedules, Christmas tree drop off, property tax reminders and more city news, you can view them in this newsletter. If you’re looking for fun holiday activities, you can find local events here.
Ann Arbor’s Snow Match Program Seeking Volunteers
Ann Arbor has a new program that pairs residents with nearby neighbors who need help with sidewalk snow removal. Recipients are Ann Arbor residents of 55+ years of age or those who identify as having a disability. To learn more and sign up to help or be helped, go to
Working Families Tax Credit Checks Coming Early in 2024
Governor Whitmer announced this month that 700,000 households will be receiving an average of $550 via mail beginning on February 13, 2024. Those eligible do not need to submit additional materials to receive the credit — it will be automatically processed based on your 2022 tax return. If you have recently moved and are concerned your address is not accurate for mailing, you can update your address here. Find out if you qualify here.
Michigan Achievement Scholarship

The Michigan Achievement Scholarship application remains open for all high school seniors! This scholarship will provide:
- Up to $2,750 if you attend a community college, per year
- Up to $5,500 if you attend a public university, per year
- Up to $4,000 if you attend a private college or university, per year
There is no deadline for this scholarship. Students have 15 months from either their high school graduation or high school equivalency completion to enter college and use the funds they are awarded.
High school seniors can get started by following these steps:
- File your FAFSA
- Create a MiSSG Student Portal account three to five business days after filing your FAFSA