Dear Neighbor,
I want to provide you with some information about what has been going on in our state government and update you on what I’ve been working on in the Legislature.
In this e-news, you can find information about:
- Coffee Hour and District Events
- Legislative Updates
- Resources
As always, you can reach my office at (517) 373-2406 or by replying to this email.

Please join me this Saturday, March 16 at 10:30 a.m. at the Ypsilanti Senior Center, 1015 Congress St., Ypsilanti, MI 48197.
Don’t forget to click on “Going” on the Facebook event page to get a reminder the day before and the day of.
If you have any questions, please contact my office at (517)-373-2406 or by responding to this email.
District Events
Ann Arbor
Lenawee County
Legislative Update
Did You Reset Your Clocks Last Weekend?
Last Sunday, we sprang forward together once again with another clock change. While we all try to adjust this week, a bill in the Michigan Senate would let Michigan voters decide whether or not we want to continue abiding by daylight saving times twice a year. Are these time changes still justified? Or do they cause more harm and inconvenience than good? You can listen to or read my thoughts on the matter here on Michigan Public.
Bills to Require Insurers to Cover ALL Cancer Care
This month I introduced SB 738, which would close a loophole in Michigan law by requiring health insurance companies to cover all cancer treatments, not just cancer “drugs”. This loophole has already taken the life of one Michigander, Forrest VanPatten, who was denied coverage for gene therapy. You can read more about the impact of this bill in the article by ProPrublica here.
Bill to Give Tribes a Voice with Foster Care Review Boards Passes Senate
Senate Bill 498 passed the Senate unanimously late last month and is now in the House committee on Families, Children and Seniors. If passed and signed into law, this bill would align Michigan’s Foster Care Review Board stature with the federal Indian Child Welfare Act and the Michigan Indian Family Preservation Act, codifying the tribal government’s right to notification and participation in FCRB proceedings of child welfare cases involving tribal children.
Fraud Prevention Tips
- Never give personal or account information to unsolicited callers even if you think they are legitimate! Caller ID can be spoofed to make it look like it is your insurer or financial institution. Hang up and call back using the number on your statement or card.
- Be on the lookout for phishing emails. Scam emails can look like they’re coming from a legitimate company to get your password or personal info.
- If you’re unsure if an email is safe, do not click any links and contact the company directly.
- Multi-Factor authentication, like a texted or emailed code or other measure, offers extra security in addition to a password to log into your account. NEVER share multifactor authentication codes or other verification codes you receive with anyone.
MDHHS Medicaid Redeterminations and Health Coverage Options
If you are a Medicaid beneficiary who was disenrolled from Medicaid due to a procedural reason (e.g., not returning re-enrollment forms timely), you have 90 days to submit your paperwork to receive continuous coverage. Meaning the MDHHS can reinstate eligibility back to the termination date so long as the forms are submitted within that timeframe and the individuals meet eligibility criteria.
In terms of submitting the forms, individuals can return the prepopulated redetermination form even if it’s overdue and within the 90-days. MDHHS advises all Medicaid enrollees to check their renewal month and renew online at
If you have received notice that you or a member of your household is no longer eligible for Medicaid or MIChild benefits, it is important to know there are options for alternative health insurance, including no and low-cost coverage to avoid a lapse in coverage. For more information about options, including purchasing a low- or no-cost health plan on the Health Insurance Marketplace, visit
Filing Individual Income Tax
Remember to file your taxes before Tax Day on Monday, April 15.
Individuals can file their state income tax return online, with a tax professional or by mailing in paper forms and documentation. All state of Michigan income tax returns and payment of any taxes owed must be received by April 15, 2024, the same due date as federal income tax returns.
To learn more, click here.
Tips to help you maximize your state and federal tax return this year:
- Avoid scams: For federal returns, the IRS will only initiate contact with you through regular mail delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. Make sure you do not share your personal tax information via phone, email or social media.
- Utilize free resources: Michigan Free Tax Help connects eligible Michiganders with free, high-quality income tax preparation assistance. Visit to find local help. Slots fill up on a first come, first served basis, so don’t wait to sign up. If you are a senior citizen and would like free tax help from the AARP, call 734-482-4410 at EXT 2411
- Take advantage of available deductions: You can choose the standard deduction or deduct charitable contributions, property taxes, medical expenses and more from your federal 2023 taxes. Visit for a full list.
Earned Income Tax Credit Checks to Michigan Families
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced last month that eligible Michigan families will begin receiving Working Families Tax Credit supplemental checks this week. The new checks are part of a $1 billion tax relief package signed into law last year that will help put an average of $550 back into the pockets of working families. Please note the Department of Treasury will automatically process checks for Michiganians who submitted their 2022 tax return and confirmed eligibility for the additional state credit. Checks will be mailed on a rolling basis as soon as they are printed. It is estimated to take between five to six weeks to print and distribute all payments.
To qualify, individuals must meet certain requirements and file federal and state income tax returns claiming the EITC, even if no tax is owed or there is no other requirement to file a return. Eligible Michiganians do not need to submit any additional paperwork to receive the tax credit. However, if an individual has moved frequently or recently and has concerns about their address accuracy, Michiganians can manually update it here.
Grant Opportunities
Renewables Ready Communities Award
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) will provide per megawatt (MW) funding to Michigan municipalities that host or are expected to host utility scale renewable energy projects. The deadline to apply is September 30, 2024, learn more here.
MI Clean Water Grants
EGLE has announced MI Clean Water Plan grants to help Michigan communities upgrade water infrastructure and protect public health and the environment. These grants aim to address challenges like sewage overflows into Lake St. Clair and the replacement of hazardous lead drinking water service lines. Learn more here.