Literacy Legislation — SB567 & SB568

Dyslexia is a reading disability that affects up to one in five kids in each classroom. Students with dyslexia who go undiagnosed and don’t receive interventions are more likely to struggle in school whereas those who receive high-quality instruction early on will fare better. 

That’s what Senate Bills 567 and 568 are about — identifying the signs of dyslexia early on and equipping teachers with the tools necessary to support students with their literacy abilities. 

My bill, Senate Bill 567, ensures that the reading assessments already given to K-3rd grade students effectively screen for characteristics of dyslexia and ensure that those students get evidence-based support early on. 

As part of this bill package, Senate Bill 568, sponsored by Sen. Dayna Polehanki, would set standards for teacher preparation and professional development programs to make sure that teachers get evidence-based tools to help students with dyslexia and other reading difficulties. 

By recognizing the signs of dyslexia at the earliest stage possible while weaving the science of reading into our early literacy instruction, we can improve literacy in our state and prepare brighter futures ahead for our students. 

These bills have passed in the Senate and are now being considered in the House of Representatives.  

Education Committee Testimony