District 13 News & Updates

District 13 News & Updates

Dear Neighbors,  I hope this newsletter reaches you and your family safe and healthy. The past weeks of poor air quality due to the forest fires in northern Michigan and Canada have been concerning, which is why I’ve included resources below to help you monitor air...
District 13 News & Updates

District 13 News & Updates

Dear Neighbor,  I hope this newsletter reaches you and your family safe and healthy. I hope you’ve all been enjoying the weather and are looking forward to an enjoyable summer.   Featured in this newsletter:   June is Pride Month!  Community Updates  June is Gun...
Coffee Hour – Feb 17th, 2023

Coffee Hour – Feb 17th, 2023

Coffee Hour Start date: 02-17-2023End date: 02-17-2023Start time: 11AMEnd time: Noon Location: Novi Public Library45255 W. 10 Mile Rd.Novi, MI. 48375 Description: Join Senator Bayer for her February coffee hour. Contact:...

Senate District 12 News & Updates

  Dear Friends,  I hope you all have been staying cool as the temperatures have increased with the arrival of summer. Please remember to take care of yourself while outside in the heat by staying hydrated, wearing loose fitting and breathable clothing, and taking...