Tax Tips Newsletter

Tax Tips Newsletter

Dear Neighbor, It continues to be an honor serving you in the State Senate, and I look forward to all this New Year holds — the many conversations with constituents, movement on important legislation, exciting events around District 13 and more. The new year also...

Senator Bayer on Healthcare

Dear Friends,I hope you are safe and healthy as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic together and the changes it has made to our lives. Now more than ever, it’s evident that health care is a fundamental issue in our district and across the state of...

Year in Review

Dear Friends,I hope this newsletter finds you and your families safe and healthy as we head into 2022. Reflecting on this past year and the devastating tragedy at Oxford High School, it is more important than ever that we care for each other.Every Michigander deserves...

Legislative Update: A Focus on Families

Friends, There is no doubt that the past year and a half has been difficult and traumatic. The pandemic impacted families across the world and certainly right here in Michigan. If you suffered from COVID-19 or lost a loved one to this dreadful disease, my sincerest...

Working for You!

Dear Neighbor, It is an honor to serve as your state senator, but it’s an even greater honor to try to help people in our community get back to work. The COVID-19 pandemic has left many people underemployed or unemployed, and exacerbated problems with employment for...