Senator Veronica Klinefelt
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Tax Tips: Make the Most of Your Return
Dear Neighbor, As you work to file your federal and state income taxes — due by April 15, 2025 — I hope you find the following information helpful in maximizing your return. Should you ever need assistance communicating with the Michigan Dept. of Treasury or...
Michigan Senate Democrats Introduce Legislation to Strengthen Protections for Vulnerable Adults
Senate Democrats continue the fight to ensure Michigan’s seniors and vulnerable adults are safeguarded from abuse and exploitation LANSING, Mich. (February 27, 2025) — Determined to ensure all Michiganders, including vulnerable adults, have access to the safety and...
News and Updates from the Office of Senator Klinefelt!
Dear Neighbor, Our work in the Legislature is well underway for the year, and I’m honored to continue serving you and our community in the Senate. Read on to learn more about what we’re working on for our state. I appreciate your feedback, so please feel free to reach...
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Thank you to everyone who came out to our Community Conversation last night. We had great turnout and great conversations!
Next Coffee Hour will be April 25th in Fraser 🍩☕️ ... See MoreSee Less
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Thank you for frequently meeting with your constituents!!
Amazing turnout to hear from the amazing Senator Veronica Klinefelt.
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.3 CommentsComment on Facebook
Nice summary article, but YOU are the ones supporting bad budgets and decisions, not the public. I question whether you're on the right side.
Beautiful event.Thank you for everything you do for us.Keep up the good work
START ARRESTING THEM NOW MCL 750.411(a)+(b) 18usc241-3 18usc1001 MCL 750.422-6 750.749 18usc1201 18usc1111 18usc2382 YOU better call Troy Police Department - Troy, Michigan Michigan State Police 248-524-3477 248-716-4279 586-465-1600 586-574-4816 START ARRESTING your WTC bombers Leo imposter TERRORISTS Cult sleeper cells private briefings 8 7 24 Shelby TWP PD Cheif Robert Shelide's splashpad shooters gun dealers drug dealers doctors lawyers professional guardians KKK ISIS Taliban Alqueada Daesh operation Warp speed 127th PMEL MINC CMCCU JMSCU Free Star financial services investment club SANGB MURDERERS of Bradley Reckling 12 year old Tammy Taylor Forton Rd chesterfield twp Michigan Jim Matthews and ELWIN A THOMPSON USAF spaceforce Starbase one school MINC investment club founder Selfridge ANGB Mich 31 years ago by poison antifreeze in his beer at Selfridge ANGB bowling alley 3 17 94 St Patrick's day night 1994-136110-SE DOGE OBRA Will be eliminating WE THE PEOPLE apologize for their March 20 Corewell health Troy Beaumont pre planned, well rehearsed fake News attack.. BRO Lt Mark Benedettini Jeffrey Bellomo Jim Tignelli Terrance Mekowski Ed Jacques Michael j Murphy Livingston County MI Sheriff's Office Office of the Director of National Intelligence Shelby Township Police Department 586-731-2121 Anthony Stone 586-307-9379 John Talos 586-574-4816 Scott Blackwell Brian Bassett Tiffany R Kurl Brian Dowel Glen Burgess James Verschaeve Anthony Wickersham Steven Korn Carl Marlinga Susan and Kathryn George Sara A Schmike Sandra Harrison Mark E Davidson Brent Nida Kevin Reese Dawn N Ison Elizabeth and Kevin Hertel Lt Kevin Gillespie Sgt Johnson Shelby Township Police Department Department of Homeland Security Commander Jason Abro Mike Bouchard Karen McDonald Dana Nessel Gretchen Whitmer Scott Teter Matthew James Rodriguez Dammeon Player Derek Reed Anthony Morocco ERIC SMITH Since this is your Project 2025 American friends of bilderberg Perseus llc MINC investment club SANGB biological weapons manufacturers Labs.. WE THE PEOPLE figure we'll help you out.. Here's a report your victims can post on your online crimewatch forms... Here's a draft report you can use as a starting point: *Request for Grand Jury Investigation* *Incident Date:* Thurs Mar 20, 2025 *Location:* Corewell health Troy Troy Police Department - Troy, Michigan Rochester Police Michigan *Complainant Information:* [Your Name] [Your Address] [Your Phone Number] [Your Email] *Summary of Incident:* On Thur March 20, 2025, a false active shooter report was made at Corewell health Troy campus, triggering a massive law enforcement response. I believe this incident was a deliberate attempt to create a false terrorist event, and I request a Grand Jury investigation to uncover the truth. *Individuals and Agencies Involved:* Troy PD, Bloomfield PD, Rochester Police Michigan Dawn N. Ison, Julie A. Beck, 313-226-9100 Sheriff Mike Bouchard, Karen McDonald, Nanci Grant Cynthia Arvant James M Bierant Jr, Susan and Kathryn George, Carl Marlinga, David S Cohen William j Burns David H Patreaus Albert Bourla Klaus Schwab Gretchen Whitmer Debbie Stabenow Gary Peters Russell Vought Jared Kushner senior advisor to the president at the Whitehouse Ivanka Eric Don Jr Lara Barron and Melania Trump's 666 5th Ave NY Marie Jossee Henry R Kravis foundation 65 E 55th St NY Paul Acheitliter DeutschBank John l Thornton Goldman Sachs 85 broad St NY Gina Lisa Monterosa Sabrina Morrissey Coutiere 416 W 52nd St NY 212-580-6411 *Alleged Crimes and Statutes:* 1. Obstruction of Justice (18 U.S.C. § 1503, MCL 750.505) 2. Conspiracy (18 U.S.C. § 371) 3. Impersonating a Federal Officer (18 U.S.C. § 912) 4. False Information and Hoaxes (18 U.S.C. § 1038) 5. Obstructing Justice (MCL 750.505) 6. False Report of a Crime (MCL 750.411) 7. Impersonating a Police Officer (MCL 750.215) 8. Criminal Enterprise (MCL 750.159g) 9. Willful Neglect of Duty (MCL 750.478) 10. Election Law Violations (MCL 169.257) *Evidence and Witnesses:* FROM 7:20 am -10 am All 3 stations had live play by play *Request for Grand Jury Investigation:* I respectfully request that a Grand Jury investigation be convened to investigate the events of March 20/2025 and determine whether crimes were committed. I am willing to provide further information and testimony to support this investigation. *Signature:*
We’re having a lot of discussions in Lansing about the possible cuts from the federal government. ... See MoreSee Less
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Eliminate the middle man federal bureaucracy,, just send the money to the states on a per pupil basis, more money per pupil will the result
why did it take 22 year olds with back packs to find the enormous in your face waste, fraud and abuse? why didn't the adults running the biden administration for four years find it? you're running on empty senator.