Dear Neighbor,
Legislative summer break has been a great opportunity for me and my team to get out into the district and go door to door to talk to you directly! Over the next month, we hope to see you out and about as we continue to enjoy this beautiful Michigan summer. Please see below for some updates from our office.
Featured in this newsletter:
- Legislative Updates
- In the Community
- Upcoming Events
- Resources
Resources As always, if you need anything, please do not hesitate to reach our office at https://senatedems.com/

Veronica Klinefelt
State Senator
District 11
Voting Rights Expansion Bills Signed into Law
Ensuring that all individuals have an equal opportunity to vote is part of upholding our fundamental rights and liberties. Last November, voters overwhelmingly voted in favor of expanding voting rights with Proposal 2. Now, Governor Gretchen Whitmer has signed Proposal 2 into law.
Senate Bill 339, will establish a website for Michiganders to track their ballots. It will ensure voters are notified when their vote is received and counted and inform them if there are any errors and offer a solution to remedy them.
Senate Bill 367, requires at least nine days of early voting before each statewide and federal election so people can find a convenient time to vote that works for them without facing lines on Election Day. It also authorizes pre-processing and early tabulation of absentee ballots, ensuring a timely result after polls close on Election Day.
Senate Bill 370, implements requirements to allow voters to fix clerical errors with their ballots. It also requires prepaid postage for all absentee ballot applications and envelopes, saving voters time and trips to the Post Office.
Senate Bill 373, allows Michiganders to use their US passport, tribal photo ID card, military ID card or student ID to identify themselves when they show up to vote. As has always been the case, they will need to be registered to vote in their precinct to cast a ballot. This law simply expands the valid forms of ID accepted to certify that you are who you say you are.
Protecting the Healthy MI Plan
A major focus of the Senate Democrats has been providing Michiganders with greater access to quality healthcare. We have begun to do that by passing the Lowering MI Costs Plan along with several other bills — House Bills 4495–4496, 4362–4364 and Senate Bill 219. The newly signed bills will protect the Healthy MI Plan, allow the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to incentivize healthy behaviors and allow pharmacists to continue to order and administer vaccines and laboratory tests under certain circumstances.
Additionally, the legislation will update the organ donor registry, making Michigan the first state to allow residents to note if they are willing to be an organ donor on their state income tax. We are grateful for the leadership of our elected representatives, and we are looking forward to continuing to work across the aisle to achieve even more.
Omnibus Budget Signing
I am honored to have worked with my fellow Michigan Senate colleagues within the Majority and across the aisle to deliver on a historic budget. On July 31, Governor Whitmer officially signed the $57.4 billion budget, in addition to the $24.3 billon education budget — uplifting the needs and interests of all Michiganders. For more information, click here.
District 11 Budget Wins
$10 million for lead line replacement in Eastpointe
> For more information, click here.
$5 million for Broughton Road in Macomb Township.
> For more information, click here.
$1 million for Clinton Township Accessibility Park
> For more information, click here.
Historic Investments in Education Signed into Law
Michiganders have made themselves clear: they want legislators who are willing to listen and deliver on the issues that matter most with thoughtful and effective solutions. For the first time in Michigan, a historic education budget has been passed by legislators who truly understand the importance of investing in Michigan schools. From Senators who served as teachers in the classroom to members of their school boards, the Legislature is full of leaders who understand the importance of advocating for students and teachers across Michigan.

To read the full news story and learn more about what this funding means for our students and community, visit senatedems.com
I’ve been fortunate enough to be invited to quite a few celebrations, tours, coffee hours and other events. Rain or shine — it’s always great to spend more time in the district!
Eastpointe Fire Station Coffee Hour

Lake St. Clair Appreciation Day

Macomb Money Matters

Doorknocking in the District
Our team along with interns and volunteers have been going door to door, making sure folks know how to contact our office and listening to the issues that matter most to you.

Special Joint Community Conversation with Representative Kimberly Edwards!

Community Conversation
WHEN: Wednesday, August 9, 2023, at 6:00pm
WHERE: Eastpointe Memorial Library, 15875 Oak Ave, Eastpointe, MI 48021
WHEN: Monday, August 14, 2023, at 10:00 am
WHERE: Macomb Township Waldenburg Park, 19225 21 Mile Rd, Macomb, MI 48044
WHEN: Monday, September 25, 2023, at 10:00 am
WHERE: Recreational Authority of Roseville & Eastpointe, 18185 Sycamore St, Roseville, MI 48066
Helping Medicaid Members Keep Their Coverage
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government declared a Public Health Emergency (PHE), allowing Medicaid members to keep their health care coverage. Per recent federal legislation, eligibility renewals were planned to start again in June. However, now Medicaid beneficiaries with upcoming deadlines for returning renewal forms will have an additional month to submit paperwork to avoid loss of health care coverage due to not responding. This timeline will continue monthly going forward through May 2024 and does include individuals with a Monday, July 31 deadline.
Learn more at Michigan.gov/mdhhs/
Following these steps will help determine if you still qualify:
- Make sure your contact information is up to date.
- Check mail or text messages for a letter.
- Complete your renewal form (if you get one).
Area Agency on Aging 1-B
The Area Agency on Aging 1-B (AAA 1-B) supports older adults, people with disabilities, and family caregivers in Livingston, Monroe, Macomb, Oakland, St. Clair and Washtenaw Counties by connecting them with information and services they need to remain living independently in their homes and communities. The Area Agency on Aging 1-B is pleased to announce the publication of Connect, a comprehensive guide to long-term care options for older adults and caregiving resources for families in Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair and Washtenaw counties.
The guide is brimming with informative content about Medicare and the MI Choice Medicaid Waiver Program, brain health, caregiving for a loved one, knowing when it’s time to stop driving, tips on hiring a home health aide, and more.
Connect is designed with the older adult and family caregiver in mind. To order or download the guide, go to aaa1b.org/connect. Physical copies of the guide can be shipped free of charge.
Free Haircut Day