Dear Neighbor,
I hope you’ll join me for my upcoming Coffee and Conversation event this Friday, April 5. These events are a great opportunity to share your questions and ideas with me while also receiving a firsthand update on what my colleagues and I have been working on in the Michigan Legislature.
Find more details below or on my Facebook page. I look forward to seeing you there!

WHEN: Friday, April 5 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
WHERE: Heilmann Recreation Center, 19601 Crusade, Detroit, MI 48205
If you are unable to attend the event but would like to reach out to share your thoughts on a legislative issue or request assistance, please do not hesitate to call my office at (517) 373-7670 or email me at SenVKlinefelt@senate.michigan.gov.

Veronica Klinefelt
State Senator
District 11