Dear Neighbor,
The Michigan Senate and the House have both passed their Fiscal Year 2025 state budget proposals and are now ready to negotiate with the governor’s office to ensure that we are directing our state dollars where they are needed the most.
During this busy time, we like to keep you updated on our progress and welcome your feedback. You can email us at SenVKlinefelt@senate.michigan.gov or call (517) 373-7670.
Warmest regards,

Veronica Klinefelt
State Senator
District 11
Michigan Senate’s 29th Annual Memorial Day Ceremony

Every year since 1995, the Michigan Senate holds a special session to commemorate Memorial Day and recognize Michigan veteran and active military service members and honor our Gold Star Families and their fallen service members.
As the Chair of the Senate Committee on Veterans and Emergency Services, I have the honor of organizing this service. This year, we welcomed veterans and active-duty service members to the Capitol to honor our state’s fallen heroes.
As we approach Memorial Day, I encourage you to take a moment to remember the lives and legacies of our military service members who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our country. These brave individuals serve as a reminder of the cost of freedom.
If you would like to view the full ceremony, please click here.
In Recent News
$20 Million Available for Michigan’s First-Ever Environmental Justice Impact Grants
Michigan’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s (EGLE) Office of the Environmental Justice Public Advocate (OEJPA) is launching a $20 million Environmental Justice Impact Grant program.
My colleagues and I secured funding for this program in our 2024 state budget to help reduce environmental health burdens in Michigan’s environmental justice communities.
Applications are now open for place-based, equity-focused projects.
Eligible projects include:
- Improving local public health.
- Monitoring pollution.
- Removing blight.
- Cleaning up contamination.
- Enhancing indoor air quality in schools and childcare facilities.
Federally recognized tribes, community-based nonprofits, local governments, schools, and childcare centers can apply for up to $500,000. The deadline for applications is July 15, 2024, with funds awarded by early September 2024.
Loving Homes Needed During Foster Care Month
This May is Foster Care Month, and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) wants to spread the word that more loving foster families are needed to temporarily care for children while the state works to reunify them safely with their parents.
Michigan has approximately 10,000 children in foster care, and temporary foster homes are needed for children of all ages, especially teens, sibling groups, and youth who have special needs. These children have been victims of abuse and neglect and need a nurturing environment until they can be safely reunified with their parents or — in a smaller number of cases — until they can find adoptive homes when it’s not safe for them to return home.
MDHHS has shared several stories about people who have made a difference in the lives of youth in Michigan in Faces of Foster Care. To learn more about foster care, visit Michigan.gov/HopeforaHome.
Legislative Updates
Building Up Michigan Budget

Crafting this state budget is a collaborative effort involving negotiations between both legislative branches and the governor, resulting in a new state budget being signed into law each year to distribute funding to residents, schools, communities, businesses, local governments, and more.
Highlights of our “Building Up Michigan” budget proposal include record school funding, increased access to community college for students, and significant funding for local communities.
As we work to deliver a final budget by the end of June, I encourage you to learn more about the process and the investments we’re looking to make to support communities across Michigan — read more here.
Legislation to Protect Vulnerable Roadway Users Passes Senate Committee
In 2022, over 7,500 pedestrians were killed on U.S. roadways — the highest number since 1981. To ensure our roads remain safe for all users — including those at increased vulnerability such as pedestrians, bicyclists, and individuals using a wheelchair — I joined a bipartisan group of legislators to make much-needed updates to our state’s laws. Senate Bills 617–618 and House Bills 5223–5224 would expand the statutory provision that provides enhanced penalties for a moving violation that causes injury to a “vulnerable roadway user.”
The Senate Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety reported Senate Bills 617–618 favorably to the full Senate, where they await further consideration.
In the Community
Eastpointe Varsity Boys Basketball Team Tribute

FAME Awards

Roseville Unified Basketball Team Tribute

Coffee Hour at Fraser VFW

Upcoming Events
Coffee and Conversation
WHEN: Monday, June 17, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
WHERE: Clinton Macomb Public Library – South Branch, 35678 South Gratiot, Clinton Twp., MI 48035
Storm Resources from EGLE
With the tragic devastation caused by the tornadoes that recently ripped through southwest Michigan, the realities of storm season are fresh on our minds. The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) encourages Michiganders to prepare as much as possible for severe storm events prior to them occurring. Here are some resources they recommend starting with:
- The MIReady Webpage provides ample resources to help residents prepare for emergencies like natural disasters, homeland security threats, and power outages.
- The EGLE Storm Recovery Webpage page provides resources that help local officials, emergency responders, recycling and disposal vendors, and residents respond to storm emergencies. It provides details on managing storm debris, how to stay informed during an emergency, and how to get an emergency disposal permit in the aftermath of a storm.
- Local officials, disposal and recycling vendors, and emergency responders are encouraged to use EGLE’s NEW Storm Debris Planning Tool before a storm occurs, to troubleshoot how to remove excess waste during an emergency, preventing a nuance, public health threat, or environmental threat.
Explore High-Wage, In-Demand Careers During Professional Trades Month
With more than 520,000 Michigan jobs and approximately 45,500 annual openings in the professional trades projected by the year 2030, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer joined the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) to proclaim May as Professional Trades Month. The annual observance honors hard-working Michiganders in professional trades while encouraging students and adults to explore education and career opportunities leading to high-wage, in-demand careers.
Businesses across Michigan need highly skilled workers in sectors such as agriculture, construction, education, energy, healthcare, hospitality, information technology, manufacturing, mobility and outdoor recreation. Many of these high-demand, high-wage careers do not require a four-year degree and have pathways that focus on credentials, certificates, on-the-job training and Registered Apprenticeships.
To learn more about high-wage, in-demand career opportunities in the professional trades, Michiganders can explore the following resources:
- State Apprenticeship Expansion, which allows users to explore registered apprenticeship opportunities in the state, offering paid work experience, related classroom instruction and a national industry-recognized credential upon program completion.
- Going PRO Talent Fund, which helps individuals secure employment, industry-recognized credentials and strong wages by providing training grants to Michigan businesses to support employees in high-demand, professional trades industries.
- Pathfinder, which is the State of Michigan’s official career exploration resource that allows users to explore careers and identify educational opportunities throughout the state.
- Pure Michigan Talent Connect, which is the state’s online platform for connecting job seekers and employers.